20 has been normal as far as I can tell. Haven't been on the other bands lately. Dan/W4NTI I have not been on the air much lately. Anybody in the club care to comment on band conditions during the da
Glad to hear things are coming together for you Jeff. Been there and done that. Dan/W4NTI excited about in Fortune listed on We are which would everyone's
Great story.....I do it somewhat different. I rely on luck and my Murphy trap at the front door. hi. Dan/W4NTI that adequate physical AND mental preparation can add significantly to the final score.
The 'coil' is used for decoupling. A coaxial choke. The length of the coax and its capacitance needs to be included in the calculations. Which I did not do. It was a wing it job. The length of about
Thats nuttin....I worked Cambodia years ago. And I did it on 7mhz SSB. Of course I was in Vietnam at the time, and I was talking to our FAC outfit there, that wasnt there, if you know what I mean. Go
Well all you big time operators out there. What is the strategy? What = bands are best to start out on?=20 Been looking around and condx seem pretty good...so far. Dan/W4NTI -- StripMime Report -- pr
Conditions were good. No lightning like last year. But still managed = to miss one section. That was Newfoundland. There were none heard = here. Although I understand they were around. No cup this ye