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Total 4 documents matching your query.

1. [Trlog] Who Will Kill TRlog? (score: 179)
Author: ea6bf at (Josep)
Date: Sat Feb 22 12:51:31 2003
I am nobody to speak about TRLog, but I have things very clear, if TR do not fit your needs, then forget it, leave it, but if it good for you, then used it, simple, uh..? For me still is, and will be
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00103.html (9,554 bytes)

2. [Trlog] Cabrillo file additional data (score: 178)
Author: ea6bf at (Josep)
Date: Fri Mar 7 03:14:23 2003
Hi all, when processing my log for ARRL DX CW Contest some weeks ago, I noticed the same, there is no way of selecting which ARRL-SECTION you are, and by default it gaves you some US state. Of course
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00060.html (7,156 bytes)

3. [Trlog] Interface. (score: 178)
Author: ea6bf at (Josep)
Date: Sat Feb 8 15:28:06 2003
Hi all just arrived to this place today. Need squematics to interface IC-756PROII with TR 6.72 Many thanks in advance. 73/Josep EA6BF
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00028.html (5,845 bytes)

4. [Trlog] ARRL-SECTION (score: 178)
Author: ea6bf at (Josep)
Date: Mon Feb 17 11:22:38 2003
Cabrillo the determinate You need to put this following line in your cabrillo header: ARRL-SECTION: DX That should fix it up. Sure it will fix it, it already has, but the question is if I can select
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00046.html (7,106 bytes)

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