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Total 26 documents matching your query.

1. [Trlog] Re: WPX Report not recognizing some countries. (score: 141)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Mon Apr 7 12:41:07 2003
Oh ... POST R W ... yes I too get that as well - I suspect that there is something about how POST R W does things that causes this behavior. I do not think I have ever run POST R W until a few minute
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-04/msg00011.html (9,331 bytes)

2. [Trlog] Version 6.73 Problem--Additional Details and Verification (score: 139)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Wed Jul 23 00:03:28 2003
I have read both of your posts on this subject and I think I understand now what you are describing. I will have to let someone else test this and give you feedback as I do not have a way to feed pac
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00114.html (8,002 bytes)

3. [Trlog] Strange laptop LPT behavior (score: 139)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Thu Mar 13 09:02:41 2003
7.1.5 The paddle interface just sends dits or dit-dah-dit-dah. Some computers do not have a pull-up resistor on the parallel port inputs. It might be necessary to provide pull-ups to +5 Volts on the
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00087.html (7,413 bytes)

4. [Trlog] Version 6.73 and Tentec Interface (score: 138)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Tue Jul 1 08:36:06 2003
Ron did some work on the Ten-Tec interface. Here are some suggestions. I did not have one to try so I would like to hear how this works out for the Omni VI. You need to set the Cde setting in the Omn
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00001.html (7,634 bytes)

5. [Trlog] Version 6.73 Problem? (score: 138)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Wed Jul 23 00:01:14 2003
The IARU.DOM file is very new to TR-Log. I suspect that the behavior that you are expecting ie. the auto filling in of the IARU ID was nto programmed into the program or if it was it is not working c
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00113.html (8,372 bytes)

6. [Trlog] US Counties dom file (score: 138)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Fri May 16 08:58:51 2003
The file is here: I am sorry I have been busy this week and have not had a chance to look at the setup for this contest. You could also use a WYSIWYG exchange - lik
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-05/msg00027.html (7,777 bytes)

7. [Trlog] Re: WPX Report not recognizing some countries. (score: 138)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Sat Apr 5 20:24:31 2003
The above exapmpes are getting flagged as the CTY.DAT file has them in those countries. There are cases all the time when people come up with callsigns/locations that are at odds with the CTY.DAT fil
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-04/msg00007.html (8,186 bytes)

8. [Trlog] While they're fresh... (score: 138)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Mon Mar 3 11:02:33 2003
Well - sort of - and partly becuase I am in a fog after this weekends contest. If you have the CW sidetone on - like I do for the paddles - then if you press the left CTRL-Shift it will key the rig b
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00020.html (8,735 bytes)

9. [Trlog] WAE file? (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Sat Aug 9 23:59:19 2003
Yep. What you do is add this to the bottom of yoru CTY.DAT file. REMAINING MULTS 9A G GD GW F EA ...... etc. -- George Fremin III - K5TR
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-08/msg00033.html (6,504 bytes)

10. [Trlog] Parallel port keying adapter (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Mon Jul 14 07:55:19 2003
in the control-j menu. SWAP PADDLES = TRUE -- George Fremin III - K5TR
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00069.html (7,048 bytes)

11. [Trlog] My notes about TR vers. 6.73 in IARU (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Tue Jul 15 16:04:22 2003
I to had this issue with ALT-D and I was not using the band map. That is not how it is working - whatever had been entered before was still there unless you worked and logged the station. It was a PI
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00086.html (7,842 bytes)

12. [Trlog] Terminal control of KIO2 (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Wed Jul 16 23:20:02 2003
Depending on how much testing you want to do you can use TR-Log as a very dumb terminal. Just start TR with the command line command of TR LOOPBACK -- George Fremin III - K5TR http://w
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00102.html (6,633 bytes)

13. [Trlog] CQVHF Scoring Problem (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Wed Jul 23 00:04:51 2003
Was this with 6.73? That is the old scoring method. -- George Fremin III - K5TR
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00115.html (6,523 bytes)

14. [Trlog] Version 6.73 (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Thu Jun 12 11:00:15 2003
Yes - a big thanks to Ron and all the beta testers - Thank You. The new frequency entry for the second radio and espically for the second radio B VFO are really cool for working 40 and 80 meters in S
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00010.html (7,532 bytes)

15. [Trlog] Installation (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Thu Jun 12 13:07:15 2003
I just unzipped 6.73 and all of the files take up 1.34 Mb. 60 files. -- George Fremin III - K5TR
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00013.html (6,856 bytes)

16. [Trlog] Function key issues (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Tue May 27 15:58:21 2003
Can you explain how it was a liability? -- George Fremin III - K5TR
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-05/msg00044.html (6,549 bytes)

17. [Trlog] CQ 160 logging (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Thu Apr 24 17:36:42 2003
I am not sure that this is a problem - I would think that you could log it as the country prefix just as TR does it and not worry about logging what they sent. Just as you would do for states - if I
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-04/msg00048.html (8,108 bytes)

18. [Trlog] While they're fresh... (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III)
Date: Mon Mar 3 09:30:13 2003
That would be useful. Maybe the CTRL-SHIFT on the right side could me made to do this. If you have your paddles hooked up to TR-Log pussing them will key the PTT line. -- George Fremin III - K5TR geo
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-03/msg00012.html (8,235 bytes)

19. VS: [Trlog] Multiplier chk (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III - K5TR)
Date: Sat Feb 1 11:07:08 2003
Yes youare correct - if you hit the space bar or enter. But if you just type the state CT in the call window without hitting anything it will show you the mult needs for that mult. -- George Fremin I
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00003.html (7,000 bytes)

20. VS: [Trlog] Multiplier chk (score: 137)
Author: geoiii at (George Fremin III - K5TR)
Date: Sun Feb 2 12:13:44 2003
I am not sure I understand. The mult status for all six bands is shown. So there should not be a need to do it in the ALT-D callsign entry field. TR-Log can not tell what state someone is in from jus
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00010.html (7,783 bytes)

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