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Total 293 documents matching your query.

1. [TRLog] Beta Performance (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2002 13:16:14 -0500
Inadvertent program (not radio) mode changes (usually to S&P) also remain my biggest problem. How hard would it be to add a Ctl-J option to lock oneself in the current program mode? Any odd S&P QSOs
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00009.html (7,525 bytes)

2. [TRLog] TRLog and serial ports, 2 (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 10:31:21 -0500
At some point I think I'd consider reinstalling Win98, but that's just because these motherboard/OS combinations are endlessly frustrating. Another thing to pay attention to when running TR is a DOS
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00044.html (8,502 bytes)

3. [TRLog] TRLog and serial ports, 2 (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 08:11:54 -0500
Two weeks ago I would have agreed. Since then I've seen otherwise in two machines running under Win98SE, one with an 800 Athlon, the other with a 1700+, both of which will keep very good time for hou
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00048.html (8,297 bytes)

4. [TRLog] TRLog and serial ports, 2 (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 09:53:21 -0500
Someone suggested to me privately that maybe Guy was suggesting having TR check with the CMOS clock instead. If that was the idea, I think it might have merit, but I'm not aware of any application th
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00050.html (8,277 bytes)

5. [TRLog] TRLog and serial ports, 2 (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 07:49:43 -0500
Seems like a good idea to me. I downloaded another freeware Internet time setting program called Automachron, which does everything Dimension 4 does, plus keeps a log of the size of correction applie
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00053.html (8,560 bytes)

6. [TRLog] TRLog and serial ports, 2 (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 12:13:32 -0500
The baseline source is, but downloads are from a variety of mirror servers. That is definitely an old version, because mine is totally configurable. Its log does reflect each interva
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00057.html (7,980 bytes)

7. [TRLog] New Release (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 09:09:16 -0500
Let me add my voice to the praise, both for the features of the new release and for the expanded beta process that made it possible to release so many new features with reasonable confidence that it'
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00106.html (7,846 bytes)

8. [TRLog] Attached is an appendix for TRlog de G8OO (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 13:29:38 -0500
I presume that the list software stripped the attachment from the copy sent to the TR reflector. I agree that such a list is useful -- but isn't this what Appendix A in the manual amounts to? 73, Pet
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00109.html (7,077 bytes)

9. [TRLog] New Release (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 14:05:49 -0500
Ron, I'm kicking myself for not having suggested this during the testing of 6.72 beta, but Scott's message made me realize that I hadn't done so, and I wanted to get it to you before I lapse off into
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00110.html (8,961 bytes)

10. [TRLog] New Release (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 10:05:12 -0500
Agreed, so maybe Ctl-TAB makes better sense. The point is, don't make it a key that many people are habituated to using that TR interprets differently from what they are used to. 73, Pete N4ZR Happy
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00115.html (7,656 bytes)

11. [TRLog] G8OO Appendix (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 13:28:48 -0500
Tod, if you want it, I am just finishing up a Word file that incorporates the complete Appendix A from the manual, updated through 6.72, with range of values, default values, and brief explanations o
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00120.html (8,029 bytes)

12. [TRLog] 6.72 POST (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 14:44:11 -0500
To elaborate further, if you run 6.72 POST against a log.dat file, it bombs as soon as you hit "P", with the error message "log.dat has been found runtime error 103 @026A:1ADB. If you hit "C" instead
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00145.html (6,463 bytes)

13. [TRLog] Alt B/V (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 12:02:38 -0500
That download size is correct, Floyd -- though the POST contained in it was corrupted, the TR.EXE and TR.OVR (163,840 and 557,056 bytes respectively) were not. 73, Pete N4ZR Happy Holidays
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-12/msg00160.html (7,535 bytes)

14. [TRLog] editing TRMASTER.DTA (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2002 07:47:40 -0500
I always leave these things too late. This morning I went to edit my TRMASTER.DTA file using POST 6.68. The master file resides in my LOG directory but, as usual, I was logged into the SS contest dir
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-11/msg00010.html (6,661 bytes)

15. [TRLog] editing TRMASTER.DTA -- COCKPIT ERROR (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2002 08:42:13 -0500
My mistake. I somehow got a zero-length log.dat file in my last year's SS folder. Once I used a real log file everything behaved normally. I'm good to go. Sorry. 73, Pete N4ZR Sometimes a tower is ju
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-11/msg00012.html (6,300 bytes)

16. [TRLog] A perfect contest (?) (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 17:12:51 -0500
Certainly not the operator, but the software. I was using 6.69, SO2R, and everything worked perfectly throughout -- not a single boggle, NONSSB, 220MHZ QSO or any other foolish stuff. It might even m
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-11/msg00046.html (6,656 bytes)

17. [TRLog] How to use database files (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 2002 09:20:41 -0500
I always run a big trmaster.dta file, which resides in the directory with log.dat, and is reached, like log, through a DOS PATH statement. For SS, I select only the relevant prefixes with the SCP COU
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-11/msg00052.html (7,715 bytes)

18. [TRLog] How to use database files - correction (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 2002 09:36:40 -0500
CORRECTIONS IN CAPS I always run a big trmaster.dta file, which resides in the directory with log.dat, and is reached, like log.DAT, through a DOS PATH statement. For SS, I select only the relevant p
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-11/msg00053.html (7,614 bytes)

19. [TRLog] PIEXX/TS930 problems. (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Sat, 09 Nov 2002 07:53:44 -0500
Did you try the RCP570 program from the T21 laptop? I've used the PIEXX microprocessor board in my TS-930 and TRLog for a couple of years with never a moment's hiccup. In my logcfg.dat, these are the
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-11/msg00066.html (8,095 bytes)

20. [TRLog] PIEXX/TS930 problems. (score: 1)
Author: (Pete Smith)
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 12:40:14 -0500
Have you tried running TR in a DOS window under Windows? I'm not sure, but think Windows may manage the ports in that case. Might be different when booting to DOS. 73, Pete N4ZR Sometimes a tower is
/archives//html/TRLog/2002-11/msg00073.html (7,486 bytes)

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