- 1. [TRLog] Re: 6.24 SCP broken (score: 1)
- Author: n7dr@lucent.com (D. R. Evans)
- Date: Mon, 13 Apr 1998 09:44:36 -0700
- Oh, OK. I thought you were being facetious. Sorry. I'll try that tonight at home and let you know. My off-the-top-of-my-head memory is that it doesn't matter whether the second string is the same as
- /archives//html/TRLog/1998-04/msg00035.html (8,745 bytes)
- 2. [TRLog] When Is The SPAM Going To Stop? (score: 1)
- Author: n7dr@lucent.com (D. R. Evans)
- Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 08:10:55 -0600
- I thoroughly detest reflectors that enforce this, and I'm sure that most people with multiple addresses do as well. Of course, I thoroughly detest spam as well.... -- D.R. Evans N7DR / G4AMJ N7DR@sff
- /archives//html/TRLog/1998-04/msg00060.html (7,773 bytes)
- 3. [TRLog] bandmap questions (score: 1)
- Author: n7dr@lucent.com (D. R. Evans)
- Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 11:18:59 -0700
- I asked Tree oooh, a long time ago now, to make all the times of the colour-changes in the bandmap (and, by implication, the final disappearance from the map) user-definable. I forget exactly what he
- /archives//html/TRLog/1998-02/msg00135.html (8,345 bytes)
- 4. [TRLog] The Point System (score: 1)
- Author: n7dr@lucent.com (D. R. Evans)
- Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 12:02:48 -0600
- Tree, when you've got this figured out, I'm going to invent the N7DR contest, wherein you get 1/10 point for the first QSO with a country, 1/5 point for the next, 0.5 for the next, 3.26 for the next,
- /archives//html/TRLog/1997-10/msg00058.html (7,685 bytes)
- 5. [TRLog] Dupes (score: 1)
- Author: n7dr@lucent.com (D. R. Evans)
- Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 09:03:17 -0600
- I've been nagging Tree to do this for years. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this makes more sense than the current method. So far Tree has resisted all my moans, but maybe if more pe
- /archives//html/TRLog/1997-07/msg00049.html (7,637 bytes)
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