- 81. [TRLog] RSGB 7 MHz .cfg and .dom files (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 10:27:23 +0100
- Hello friends, on my web site (look for TRLog User's Shared Data files) you can find the .CFG and .DOM files (among others) for the upcoming RSGB 7 Mhz Contest. Download also the COMMON.CFG file. Fil
- /archives//html/TRLog/2000-02/msg00102.html (7,664 bytes)
- 82. [TRLog] TR vs. CT features (a wish) (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1999 12:56:33 +0100
- Hi all, I used CT last CQWW CW at IO2A M/S (by the way it was a first great experience in a TEAM) (Thanks to BERGHEM Contest Club for inviting me) and I found very useful a couple of indications you
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-12/msg00160.html (8,346 bytes)
- 83. [TRLog] TR vs. CT features (a wish) (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 14:55:50 +0100
- ...... Apologise my question but, who is judging things are most important than other?? You? Of course, no offense intended here as well! Bob,I2WIJ - J49WI mailto:i2wij@qsl.net http://www.qsl.net/i2w
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-12/msg00165.html (8,407 bytes)
- 84. [TRLog] INTERNET SPRINT (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Wed, 22 Dec 1999 18:34:08 +0100
- Hi all and Tree, playing around to test the config for this contest (yes may be I will enter it, just when the 2000 will begin in Italy!!) I found there is no way to record a DXCC country. I understa
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-12/msg00172.html (6,937 bytes)
- 85. [TRLog] Ukrainian (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1999 18:11:58 +0100
- I had also that type of problem. Solved after some try and a close look at the manual This is OK but dx multiplier = cq dxcc Domestic multiplier = domestic file domestic filename = ukraine.dom Exchan
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-11/msg00084.html (9,351 bytes)
- 86. [TRLog] Ukrainian (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 12:29:54 +0100
- Hi Igor, I'll put also this config file on the TRlog User's Shared Data basket. at http://www.qsl.net/i2wij/ftplist.html Best 73, Bob,I2WIJ - J49WI mailto:i2wij@qsl.net http://www.qsl.net/i2wij/ Than
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-11/msg00093.html (12,424 bytes)
- 87. [TRLog] "Feature" request (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 16:14:25 +0100
- Hi all, I would like to add, along with the disable feature, also the possibility to assign a different key for spotting. I, and other poor europeans, do not have that << ` >> key at all so I am not
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-11/msg00153.html (8,578 bytes)
- 88. [TRLog] .cab glitch? (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 13:52:23 +0100
- Hi all, nothing to say about that, but.. POST does the extension as .cab Any news?? 73 Bob,I2WIJ - J49WI mailto:i2wij@qsl.net http://www.qsl.net/i2wij/ When I had POST make a .cab file (using 6.45) a
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-11/msg00223.html (8,232 bytes)
- 89. [TRLog] 6.45 and Cabrillo (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:39:19 +0200
- I gave a quick sight to Cabrillo format produced by POST. May be I didn't understand the rules, but I thought a DUPE contact should have to be listed without the "QSO:" at the start of the line, thus
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-10/msg00116.html (6,986 bytes)
- 90. [TRLog] character count (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 14:42:10 +0200
- I also vote for this!! I had the same type of problems in the last IOTA contest. (Tree, apart this behaviour, the 6.42 worked perfectly well!!) Thank YOU. Bob,I2WIJ - J49WI mailto:i2wij@qsl.net http:
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-08/msg00006.html (7,749 bytes)
- 91. [TRLog] Multiplier Needed Window (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 10:28:33 +0200
- I can confirm the behaviour in the EUHFC. even if just played in for a couple of hours. I didn't have any INITIAL EXCHANGE set but TRLog show the ITU zone in the ecxhange WINDOW and use that (wrong)
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-08/msg00041.html (9,034 bytes)
- 92. [TRLog] WAE & QTC (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 12:16:53 +0200
- Hi all, trying to setup TRLog for the next WAE I used the simulator (nice feature). Some stations, after the exchange, ask for QTC. I read the manual and says: use Ctrl-Q to either send or receive QT
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-08/msg00043.html (7,258 bytes)
- 93. [TRLog] Alt C (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 09:59:03 +0200
- Did you hit Alt-Q before? It has always worked OK with me, no doubt. The only strange thing I noticed is if you have some Ctrl characters to increase the speed and the correspondent ones to reduce to
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-08/msg00058.html (8,382 bytes)
- 94. [TRLog] WAE QTC Edit Problem (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 10:13:38 +0200
- Noticed the same behaviour on 6.42. Painful! It was funny anyway to receive QTCs! When entering the received qtc I found that I was unable to move around the time/call/number info using the right / l
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-08/msg00073.html (8,471 bytes)
- 95. [TRLog] WAE: CFG and CTY files (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 13:36:20 +0200
- To all who need them: the CFG and CTY files for the next WAE are available at: http://www.qsl.net/i2wij/ftplist.html courtesy of Igor, UA9CDC. Bob,I2WIJ - J49WI mailto:i2wij@qsl.net http://www.qsl.ne
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-08/msg00129.html (6,686 bytes)
- 96. [TRLog] J49WI will look for you (score: 1)
- Author: roberto.soro@sia.it (Soro Roberto)
- Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 13:31:39 +0200
- Hello TRLog users, look for J49WI the next two weeks. I'll be glad to hear TRLog users down there! and.... don't forget to call J49WI in the next IOTA contest July 24/25. I will enter the section 24H
- /archives//html/TRLog/1999-07/msg00028.html (6,961 bytes)
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