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Total 54 documents matching your query.

41. [Trlog] Possible small change? (score: 137)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Mon Feb 17 14:12:44 2003
I guess it could be disabled when hitting F1... but not RETURN. Tree
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00052.html (6,687 bytes)

42. [Trlog] Modem Port (score: 137)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Mon Feb 17 20:47:57 2003
No - it doesn't really do what you want - unless you have another modem to hook up to the other end that hooks up to the serial port. Tree
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-02/msg00060.html (6,434 bytes)

43. [Trlog] POST for WAE (score: 136)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Sat Aug 16 13:40:24 2003
A version of POST that supports the WAE contest has been sent to the update lists. It is version 6.73.5. Tree
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-08/msg00046.html (5,938 bytes)

44. [Trlog] Radio interface (score: 136)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Sun Aug 17 18:55:10 2003
I am trying to catch up on the e-mail relating to IC735s, Omni Vi's and such. First off, did version 6.73 work okay for Omni VI folks? Ron added a specific radio type for the Omni VI. As I understand
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-08/msg00048.html (6,451 bytes)

45. [Trlog] TR Log PTT for SSB Help Please (score: 136)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Thu Jul 3 10:26:10 2003
Well, we could get TR to turn on the PTT, but the problem would be when to turn it off. I don't think there is any way for TR to know when the message would be complete. Tree
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00026.html (6,719 bytes)

46. [Trlog] Simulator and 6.73 (score: 136)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Sat Jul 12 19:18:42 2003
When the space was added to the initial exchanges, this confused the simulator, which uses the same initial exchange procedure and does not expect a leading space. This is why the simulator for many
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00053.html (6,062 bytes)

47. [Trlog] Single character in exchange field (score: 136)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Sat Jul 12 23:57:12 2003
I think I now understand why some of you think 6.73 is broken when trying to enter exchanges manually into the exchange window in the IARU. It has to do with the bandmap. If the bandmap is enabled, I
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00055.html (6,685 bytes)

48. [Trlog] Single character in exchange field (score: 136)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Sun Jul 13 00:05:34 2003
Turns out this statement is false... Tree
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00056.html (6,524 bytes)

49. [Trlog] My notes about TR vers. 6.73 in IARU (score: 136)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Tue Jul 15 14:06:40 2003
So - can someone explain to me why this feature was added? Not sure I understand. For version 6.74, I am probably backing this out - but can make it an option if it is really needed. Tree
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00083.html (7,136 bytes)

50. [Trlog] Free version and F category (score: 136)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Fri Jun 13 10:18:04 2003
I just tried the free version and it accepted F as a category for FD exchanges. I don't think any fix needs to be made. Tree
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00023.html (5,920 bytes)

51. [Trlog] NAQP logs for ARRL logbook (score: 136)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Mon Jun 16 16:59:29 2003
Vous etes silly. Tree
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00038.html (6,750 bytes)

52. [Trlog] VHF - Rover log submission (score: 136)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Wed Jun 18 12:06:27 2003
Great. This certainly isn't one of TR's long suits. Not sure it ever will be unless I change the .DAT log format (something I have not done for 12 years now). One idea I have had is to use the Cabri
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00048.html (7,825 bytes)

53. [Trlog] VHF - Rover log submission (score: 136)
Author: tree at (Tree)
Date: Wed Jun 18 12:35:11 2003
I could probably deal with that. Ugh. The Cabrillo spec has no sense of humour. Tree
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-06/msg00050.html (7,916 bytes)

54. RE: [ [Trlog] WPX Multi-Single numbering]] (score: 23)
Author: Tree <>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 17:06:09 -0600
Here is the answer to Arturo's question: From: "" <> To: Subject: RE: [ [Trlog] WPX Multi-Single numbering] Date: Thu, 25 Mar 20
/archives//html/TRLog/2004-03/msg00030.html (9,758 bytes)

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