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Total 3 documents matching your query.

1. [Trlog] Re: Trlog Digest, Vol 7, Issue 1 (score: 174)
Author: w7dpw at (Dave W7DPW)
Date: Tue Jul 1 14:51:59 2003
I had similar experience with using IC781. setting for my OMNI VI plus, 4800 Baud.. Several Qs were logged as NONCW. I was on 40M CW the entire time. Today, I just tried againwith v6.73, the rig set
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00003.html (9,693 bytes)

2. [Trlog] Re: Trlog Digest, Vol 7, Issue 1 (score: 172)
Author: w7dpw at (Dave W7DPW)
Date: Tue Jul 1 18:17:45 2003
Syl, I tried straight DOS and the problem does not occur at all. Rock solid for the five minutes I had it idling away. Another problem I had was the Auto-CQ feature, it worked if I selcted 0.5 second
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00006.html (8,641 bytes)

3. [Trlog] Re: Trlog Digest, Vol 7, Issue 1 (score: 171)
Author: w7dpw at (Dave W7DPW)
Date: Tue Jul 1 17:08:49 2003
In a full DOS screen windows in Win98. Dave
/archives//html/TRLog/2003-07/msg00005.html (8,212 bytes)

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