In setting up a cfg file for the Il Qso Party I tried using EXCHANGE RECEIVED = RST QTH but to no avail ....This was in conjunction with CONTEST = Cal Qso Party ... I then tried using the RST QTH wit
Thanks Paul, My hope is to include the county line contacts (up to 4) in the exchange received. This would be possible in the RST QTH command since it will except up to 22 characters with spaces. Thi
I haven't found a way to score 3 point mobiles ( /M ) in TRlog. Any suggestions ?? _______________________________________________ Trlog mailing list
Thanks to all who responded to my request for scoring help in the MAQP contest ...W8TM, S57AD and K9NW .... Trying to rescore during the contest will a problem since I'll be running qso's in the targ
Any chance of having a fix on the cabrillo output for the IOTA contest ... The proper order of data is: QSO: 28024 CW 2003-07-26 1338 G3XTT 599 001 EU-005 ZS6EZ 599 018 -- QSO: 21003 CW 2003-07-26 13
Hi, Grant. Last year I submitted my LOG.DAT file. I received a message indicating that they would have accepted my Cabrillo log as is. They have a program that fills in the missing serial numbers. I
The IOTA robot excepted my log, but not before, rewriting my header and answering a few questions on a separate confirmation web site ... hopefully the Trlog cabrillo output can be modified to have t
I've been trying to use the Ctrl-Ins function to hold a place in the bandmap when a station is not identifying regularly ... I've not been successful in getting this to work ... I'm using Ver 6.79 ..
Thanks for the reply Robert ... my problem is getting the info (PILE, WEAK etc.) from the log window to the bandmap window ... I'll enter a word in the call entry line, hit Ctrl-Ins and nothing happe
I got it Robert ... using the space bar to enter the info from the call entry line to the bandmap window works well and is easier .... the Ctrl-ins function is not necessary for my purpose ... Thanks
Thanks Tree for the info ... I read the Ctrl-Ins instruction in the Bandmap section of the manual (page 116)... I very much appreciate your reply ... the spacebar will do very nicely ... 73 Grant WA3
Sorry Tree ... it's page 115 in the newest manual ... 73 Grant WA3AAN _______________________________________________ Trlog mailing list
Hi Ron, Does the Ctrl-Ins command work on 6.79 ?? 73 Grant WA3AAN _______________________________________________ Trlog mailing list
News to me and I'm sure old info to others, is the fact that the automatic time update in windows XP, is almost 2 min. fast relative to WWV. 73 Grant WA3AAN __________________________________________
I had a crash and decided to try picking up where I left off on another machine running TRlog. Couldn't figure out how to start with a serial number greater than 1. Any suggestions ? 73 Grant WA3AAN
Yes Mike (K9MI), I was unable to copy the log.dat from pc1 to pc2 at the time. I was hoping to go back after the contest and make a merge like Mike (K9NW) suggested. At this point in the contest (3 d
Thanks Don ... idea was worth trying ... unfortunately cw transmitting was adversely effected (serial number 1 with the command "5nn+500" = 600), (serial number 2 with the same command = 700) etc. Th
Worked the contest this weekend and found 4 bugs with TRlog 1) When the HA station sends his 2 letter county designation, the program will not except the input unless accompanied by a number. No numb
Can anyone tell me if the NS contest tonight (Internet Sprint), will be using the previous name forwarding scheme, or the standard NS scheme, where the operator repeats his/her own name with each Q ?