Unfortunately just because you use the same method, doesn't mean the results are any good. For example if the testing methods because of using different mixing methods generates it's own IM into the
There are two kinds of replies, "reply" and "reply to all" check your settings and make sure that selecting reply does not reply to all parties. Cecil KD5NWA
What I have always wondered about is, why did they discontinue the production of such a fine radio as the Omni VI, that is tantamount to financial suicide if the replacement product is not available
George, you have always being a gentleman in your comments, and if I were you I would even bother to read the replies you received. It really bothered me, the unkind things said just because you were
There are quite a few hams that have very little knowledge of electronics, in the area I live there are several persons with Extra license that could not answer that question either. Qrp is usually d
Some of you may not be able to figure out how to email the administrator, as a public service, I have provided a link to his address below; mailto:jmlowman@ix.netcom.com Just click to the link above
Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean it's a personal attack. I have seen one personal attack, but go look for yourself the statements that triggered it, most have been just disagreemen
Just out of curiosity, nothing intended for the seller of this radio, but why do Century 21 and 22 command such a high price? I have seen many used Ten-Tec rigs specially the 509 selling for less tha