- 21. [TenTec] Heil Goldline Mic (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 09:45:04 -0500
- Boy !....... must be something different between the Omni 6+ and my Omni V or the HC-5 in a desktop vs. headset. I use a Heil HC-5 in my Pro-Set phones and it works great and I get great audio report
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-10/msg00014.html (7,807 bytes)
- 22. [TenTec] PM3A power output ? (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 10:13:51 -0500
- Just picking some knowledgeable brains. My little PM3A manual states that power input is 5 watts. I'm getting about 2 watts out on 40 meters and 1.5+- out on 20. Is that typical ? 73 de Mike, W9WIS -
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-10/msg00440.html (7,100 bytes)
- 23. [TenTec] PM3A power output ? (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 14:44:46 -0500
- Thanks Paul, I thought so, especially when the manual states " power input 5 watts" . I figured about 60% output would be close into a nice tuned antenna (unlike mine at over 2:1 swr right now). I'm
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-10/msg00448.html (7,655 bytes)
- 24. [TenTec] Centaur AMP (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 11:56:40 -0500
- Hi Paul, The purchase of an amp can be very confusing.....there are so many choices. Noise fix ? No..... I have a new Centaur and it's still pretty noisy. (I had an early one before and it's about th
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-09/msg00150.html (8,837 bytes)
- 25. [TenTec] WTB #282 250hz filter (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 09:28:56 -0500
- Hi everyone, I'm looking to fill out my filter selections on my Omni V and need the 250 hz filter. Drop me an email if you may have one for sale........ and I know about Brian's (K3USC) which was pos
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-09/msg00269.html (6,993 bytes)
- 26. [TenTec] WTB #282 250 Hz filter (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1999 22:20:56 -0500
- Thanks for the offers/replies fellas. I needed to be more specific. I'm looking for the 6.3 MHz # 282 filter. Thanks for the offers of the 73 -- Michael Melland, W9WIS Winneconne, Wisconsin, USA FIST
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-09/msg00293.html (7,002 bytes)
- 27. [TenTec] WTB: #282 250 Hz filter (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:24:54 -0500
- Looking for a # 282, 250 Hz filter for my Omni V. Please e-mail if you have one for sale. Thanks, Mike, W9WIS -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/tentecfaq.htm Submissions: tentec@contesting.com
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-09/msg00387.html (6,575 bytes)
- 28. [TenTec] Still WTB: #282 filter.... (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 10:40:16 -0500
- Still looking for the 250 Hz filter (#282) for my Omni V. Please e-mail if ya have one for sale. Thanks es 73 Mike Melland, W9WIS -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/tentecfaq.htm Submissions: t
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-09/msg00544.html (6,712 bytes)
- 29. [TenTec] Centaur problem ? (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 20:57:12 -0500
- I've been having a problem with my "new" used Ten-Tec Centaur amp. I can tune it easily on all bands except 15 meters to about rated power. On 15 meters about all I can get is 200 watts (freshly cali
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-05/msg00425.html (8,672 bytes)
- 30. [TenTec] Centaur problem ? (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 09:17:58 -0500
- John, I've tried the dummy load, different lengths of coax between rig and amp. SWR is abt 1.2:1 into antenna and 1.1:1 into dummy load. SWR between Omni V and amp is <2:1 .... seemingly about 1.6:1
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-05/msg00433.html (8,226 bytes)
- 31. [TenTec] RE: Centaur problem (Omni V) (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 19:09:37 -0500
- Update on my Centaur's inability to properly function on 15 meters. After testing and checking all the circuits of the amp and after numerous conversations with Paul at Ten-Tec the problem still exis
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-05/msg00462.html (8,645 bytes)
- 32. [TenTec] Centaur Amplifier info ? (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 11:24:00 -0500
- I'm looking at the purchase of my first (well...actually the second. I have a used FL2100B that I have never used) amplifier. I have a Ten-Tec Omni V station and have been looking at the 600 Watt Cen
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-04/msg00132.html (7,291 bytes)
- 33. [TenTec] Centaur tuning ? (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 19:42:48 -0500
- I received my new "used" Centaur amp from TT today. It appears to be in pretty nice shape. I hooked it up to my Omni and it seems to work well too...... but the tuning seems very touchy, especially o
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-04/msg00264.html (7,565 bytes)
- 34. [TenTec] question, please help (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 10:15:58 -0600
- Rich.... correct this is...... thats how the manual tells one to work split with the Omni V. Turn split off by pushing "split" agn and then you are back at the original (transmit) freq. The Omni V do
- /archives//html/TenTec/1999-01/msg00475.html (8,300 bytes)
- 35. [TenTec] qrp kit 1340 ? (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Sat, 05 Dec 1998 10:38:47 -0600
- Anyone built the TenTec 1340 qrp transceiver kit? I'm through Phase 5 and think that according to what the manual seems to indicate I should be hearing - I may have a problem. I'm doing the Phase 5 p
- /archives//html/TenTec/1998-12/msg00086.html (8,475 bytes)
- 36. [TenTec] Omni V output ? (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 08:41:41 -0600
- Nothing wrong with the rig..... I love it! But I was testing a Ten Tec swr/watt meter I built last night and was calibrating it when I noticed that...... while the max output is what it's supposed to
- /archives//html/TenTec/1998-12/msg00233.html (7,253 bytes)
- 37. [TenTec] RE: Omni V power output? (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 18:38:22 -0600
- Thanks all for your input...... seems like some owners did the mod themselves for low power and others state that their Omni came that way. I wonder if Ten-Tec changed the later Omni V's to include t
- /archives//html/TenTec/1998-12/msg00242.html (7,091 bytes)
- 38. [TenTec] RE: CW (straight keys) (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 16:56:11 -0600
- Well...... my experience was limited to a J38 and a Nye "Master Key" until about two months ago. I found the web site for the Swedish Radio Supply AB (sellers of commercial and ham gear) and they lis
- /archives//html/TenTec/1998-12/msg00380.html (7,935 bytes)
- 39. [TenTec] JW Miller AT2500 ?? (non-TT) (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Sat, 26 Dec 1998 17:54:32 -0600
- Sorry for the non-Ten Tec post but this reflector has been very helpful so I was wondering ....Anyone have any experience with the JW Miller AT2500 auto tuner. I have a chance to purchase one but hav
- /archives//html/TenTec/1998-12/msg00389.html (7,264 bytes)
- 40. [TenTec] Omni V & Autek WM-1 observation (score: 1)
- Author: badger@vbe.com (Michael Melland)
- Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 19:44:06 -0600
- Here's an interesting observation I made today. I was near 21.030 today and decided to send a cq. This was probably my first time on this freq with my Omni V. As I was sending I noticed that my new A
- /archives//html/TenTec/1998-12/msg00419.html (9,217 bytes)
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