How about this: Tune the amp for its maximum clean PEP output at whatever drive level is needed. Switch to AM and adjust the carrier level to 1/4 of that output. Then operate happily. Kim N5OP On 8/1
I didn't mean to imply that it should be tuned at a lower power level. I meant that it should be tuned to its max rated output (most will make more than this but may not be linear when they do) then
A few years ago, TenTec released a beta firmware version for the O II that generated a waterfall display instead of the standard sweep display. I kinda liked it, but it was quickly removed and hasn't
Everything authoritative (i.e, from Eimac) says that running the filaments does nothing. I've read from several amp designers that the 3-500Z simply doesn;y leak, so the vacuum remains patent. The on
Excellent! Great to hear! Kim N5OP The bad news, apparently the UPS driver does not know street names or numbers or doesn't care. Yet their system shows it was delivered to the correct address, which
My AL-80A is S/N 095, purchased 1 Jan 1986. It has the QSK-5 installed and, before that, had the older PIN-5 QSK switch, that finally bit the dust. I've modified the PS to be a FW bridge at 4 kV B+ s
I tried this on my O II: On 8/19/2014 11:22 AM, Speer, Doug wrote: I have been enjoying my Orion II for a number of years now and thought I knew the rig well. I had two observations last night that I
UPS can, and often does, break anvils. Kim N5OP 73, Al I view it smart to ship via Fed-X. I had my Eagle recently damaged by UPS during transit. It was double bubble wrapped and double boxed with foa
I may have been too stingy in targeting blame: FedEx has, from time to time, also floated to the top of my septic tank for its uncanny ability to destroy solid steel ingots regardless of packaging. S
I didn't do this with a Corsair, but I did try it with my Kenwood TS-930S, all with headphones. I matched the CW pitch and adjusted my Orion II CW bandwidth to the bandwidth of the Kenwood (400 Hz).
I have an HQ-170! My dad W5JHJ (SK) bought it knew in May 1959. It does sound good, however completely different from my TT O2 or my '930S. The audio stage band pass filtering has a lot to do with th
Within the DSP setup in the O2 (and probably the other TT DSP radios) we can select the number of "taps," which I think sets the number if samples or the sample interval. I played with that some time
Indeed I am! I'm also adding ripple to the passband, decreasing the ultimate rejection and adding ringing to the filter skirts. In short, it's a DSP way to make the passband look more like the physic
In discussion of an Omni D, Rick and maybe someone else mentioned that old crystal filters may no longer meet spec and can result in significantly reduced sensitivity. I know that crystals age and th
You can buy and use USB-parallel interfaces. Whether they will work and whether you can find drivers that Win7 is happy with is are other things that might get I the way. It's worth a try, but new pr
Yeah, there's no compatibility mode for 16 bit stuff. Not even in Mac or Linux Kim N5OP "People that make music together cannot be enemies, at least as long as the music lasts." -- Paul Hindemith ___
Some new motherboards don't have PCI slots -- they've gone to PCIe. Fortunately, PCIe add-ins are both common and cheap! Kim N5OP "People that make music together cannot be enemies, at least as long
If you could phase these so as to generate and receive cochlear polarization (90 deg), either LH or RH, you might see a very big increase (I think as much as 6 dB) in rx signal strength from what I'v
Arggghh! I despise "auto-wrong!" Meant *circular polarization.* Linearly polarized radiation becomes circular after reflection from the ionosphere due to Earth's magnetic field. I dunno what cochlear
Correct, Jim. The FAA radars use circular polarization to attenuate weather returns. The WSR-88D radars used by the NWS originally used linear horizontal polarization because raindrops are essentiall