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References: [ +from:daleputnam@hotmail.com: 14 ]

Total 14 documents matching your query.

1. [TenTec] (no subject) (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2016 07:58:57 +0000
Hey Hi Howdy A quick question for a friend. On an Omni V. There is a toggle switch on the back panel marked rx tx. Which direction would the toggle be placed for normal cw tx and rx ? Thank you 72, D
/archives//html/TenTec/2016-10/msg00044.html (6,794 bytes)

2. Re: [TenTec] (no subject) (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2016 12:16:22 +0000
thank you Barry Have a great day, --... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy "Actions speak louder than words" 1856 - Abraham Lincoln If you're talking about the switch directly under the RX Antenna jack marked "
/archives//html/TenTec/2016-10/msg00046.html (9,585 bytes)

3. Re: [TenTec] First Rig stories (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2016 16:33:14 +0000
Please? thankyou Have a great day, --... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy "Actions speak louder than words" 1856 - Abraham Lincoln ________________________________ From: TenTec <tentec-bounces@contesting.com>
/archives//html/TenTec/2016-10/msg00082.html (8,040 bytes)

4. [TenTec] test test test (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2016 03:53:31 +0000
This is a test.. only a test, please disregard. Thank you. Have a great day, --... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy "Actions speak louder than words" 1856 - Abraham Lincoln ___________________________________
/archives//html/TenTec/2016-11/msg00093.html (6,740 bytes)

5. Re: [TenTec] Dead reflector??? (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2017 11:20:15 +0000
Oh I hope not.. I have TT equipment, and like to repair it too. Have a great day, --... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy "Actions speak louder than words" 1856 - Abraham Lincoln Its been a long time since the
/archives//html/TenTec/2017-05/msg00044.html (8,277 bytes)

6. Re: [TenTec] Eagle CAT com port goes dumb on transmit (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2017 20:12:16 +0000
A different length of cable, could be helpful to diagnose the issue. Have a great day, --... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy "Actions speak louder than words" 1856 - Abraham Lincoln Hi Bob, This is my vacati
/archives//html/TenTec/2017-07/msg00036.html (10,510 bytes)

7. Re: [TenTec] Test (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2017 12:48:30 +0000
yep Have a great day, --... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy "Actions speak louder than words" 1856 - Abraham Lincoln Sure is quiet. _______________________________________________ TenTec mailing list TenTec@
/archives//html/TenTec/2017-08/msg00128.html (7,530 bytes)

8. Re: [TenTec] Test (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2017 14:36:41 +0000
on some of the reflectors, that feature is optional. I haven't looked at this one. I'm rebuilding a 515. They are fun to work on! Have a great day, --... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy "Actions speak louder
/archives//html/TenTec/2017-08/msg00130.html (9,248 bytes)

9. Re: [TenTec] Orion designer (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2017 22:49:37 +0000
One of the reasons it is tuff to get folks to fix TT gear.. is the information about that particular model may be in question, the parts maybe in a difficult situation to find, and the time it takes
/archives//html/TenTec/2017-10/msg00143.html (12,843 bytes)

10. Re: [TenTec] Orion designer (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2017 22:52:17 +0000
and I see a need for someone to do the repair work. and I am considering doing some of it. the business model will demand a cost specified per hour, and that.. to me, is a huge hurdle. Have a great d
/archives//html/TenTec/2017-10/msg00144.html (16,532 bytes)

11. Re: [TenTec] TT PTO stuff (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2017 13:11:17 +0000
I appreciate the info.. thank you, I am rebuilding one right now. Thanks Have a great day, --... ...-- Dale - WC7S in Wy "Actions speak louder than words" 1856 - Abraham Lincoln _____________________
/archives//html/TenTec/2017-11/msg00038.html (13,154 bytes)

12. Re: [TenTec] Eagle PS? (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2018 00:04:56 +0000
the other possibility is that the Astron is on the verge of failure... in which case the ammeter would certainly point you the right direction. I have used an Astron 35A for a number of years, and th
/archives//html/TenTec/2018-09/msg00014.html (10,483 bytes)

13. Re: [TenTec] Scout Frequency Error (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2018 01:50:03 +0000
Hi Winston, The trimmer you see, is what is used to zero beat with WWV to calibrate the counter. Easy to do, with a rx tuned to WWV on 10mhz, and lightly couple a bit of signal from the counter into
/archives//html/TenTec/2018-12/msg00109.html (8,286 bytes)

14. Re: [TenTec] Scout Frequency Error (score: 1)
Author: Dale Putnam <daleputnam@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2018 02:15:51 +0000
If your rx is not good at low freq audio.. maybe it would be easier to just calibrate down 100 hz per the other radio? 100 hz is hard to hear if it is being taken out by a filter... Have a great day,
/archives//html/TenTec/2018-12/msg00111.html (10,681 bytes)

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