Hi Robert....I homebrew my own connect cables...never did like the prepared versions at all for the reasons you specified... One thing I do have here is not an antenna switch box...I use an old drill
Yeah...I am not to enthused with antenna coupler metering either..if you desire, drop me a note off this thread and I will give you the email of the fellow who builds my revamped matchboxes...he does
I am running both a Paragon II and Omni 6 plus. Wonder what is the most likely source of parasitic ocillations in these rigs? -- Original Message -- From: "Carl Moreschi" <> To: "Discussion of Ten-Te
Hi Robert....I got a Paragon II loaded with all the filters.....any tips on the rig? Wonder how well it does on am and fm. -- Original Message -- From: "Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX" <RMcGraw@Blomand.
Wonder what it would take to homebrew a true automatic link coupled antenna tuner? -- Original Message -- From: "Robert & Linda McGraw K4TAX" <RMcGraw@Blomand.Net> To: <w2yj@highstream.net>; "Tentec"
Anyone have an approximate value of a mint TT Paragon II plus matching power supply. Paragon has all filter slots filled..thanks. -- Original Message -- From: "Carter, K8VT" <k8vt@ameritech.net> To:
did that with a Gem quad years ago... hooked up the twin lead to the intersection of the driven elements, used a Johnson Matchbox in the station end to keep the rig happy tuned the reflectors to mini
2 high value resistors...say 100k to 1.2 meghom or so..tie together to ground lead and attach other end of each one to one side of the twin leadm -- Original Message -- From: "Randy Russe3ll" <lord_r
recommended Airpax circut breakers in the past with a homebrew power supply, and have had to send my Omni 6 back 3 times to have the finals and driver transistors replaced. It wasn't until I procure
I had the 20 meter section cease xmiting on my Pegasus...turned out that one of the relays on the bandpass filter board developed an open circut on the relay's coil....I think, since I used the rig o
I had a bit of drift problems in my Omni VI until I pulled the speaker and installed a small fan in its stead...no more drift. I typically keep my rf gain cranked down to just over half open....see i
I also have the same rig.... I will assume that you have done everything the manual has indicated. Are you using the matching power supply? In my case, the finals and final driver transisters went so
Yeah..that happed to me before too!! Sorry I didn't think of it....just use a piece of short audio cable fer the jumper till the pin turns up. -- Original Message -- From: <BPCI@aol.com> To: <tentec@
Been there, had that happen. My Omni VI Plus keep blowing up the finals and/or final drivers when I was using recommended Airpax breakers in conjunction with my homebrew stations power supply and bat
I should add another note... It is only my Omni VI that suffers from the blown finals when used with my battery/power supply/Airpax circut breaker setup. None of the other TT rigs I have or had in th
First pix!!!! http://www.vihn.net/pictures/HeavyAds/tn_100254144_1.jpg -- Original Message -- From: "Reed O. Krenn" <reed_ww3a@alltel.net> To: <tentec@contesting.com> Cc: "Rick Williams" <rick.willia