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Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. [TenTec] Need parts for Argosy 525D (score: 1)
Author: Roger Ruszkowski <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 12:35:07 -0500 (EST)
Fellows, I need a filter for my Argosy 525. I have isolated my problem down to the filter. I think the easy out is just to replace the module. I have a 4 pole module part number 48057. NS1 or MS1 871
/archives//html/TenTec/2012-12/msg00095.html (7,617 bytes)

2. [TenTec] Note of thanks. (score: 1)
Author: Roger Ruszkowski <>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2012 17:08:51 -0500 (EST)
Fellows, I had ask for a filter to go into my Argosy. I received an offer for a part and some web pages to read about my filter. Thank you All. Roger Ruszkowski ______________________________________
/archives//html/TenTec/2012-12/msg00131.html (6,896 bytes)

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