- 21. [TenTec] Century/21 Model 574 receiving what's not there? (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Thu Aug 21 13:29:20 2003
- Tighten the PC board mounting screws. Could be bad grounds from loose screws where the plastic has flowed under pressure. 73, Jerry, K0CQ -- Entire content copyright Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-08/msg00457.html (7,442 bytes)
- 22. Re: [TenTec] AMP Question (score: 1)
- Author: "Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer" <geraldj@isunet.net>
- Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 16:11:13 -0500
- Have you tuned for maximum out or for plate and grid currents? The plate and grid meters of a grounded grid amplifier can mislead you a great deal when tuning. Its far more effective to tune for maxi
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-08/msg00466.html (8,803 bytes)
- 23. Re: [TenTec] AMP Question (score: 1)
- Author: "Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer" <geraldj@isunet.net>
- Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 17:58:20 -0500
- If there's more plate color there's more plate dissipation. Less output, or more plate input. As if the load Z to the tubes isn't the same on 40 as it is on the lower bands. The tubes do have some in
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-08/msg00469.html (7,949 bytes)
- 24. [TenTec] 6N2 questions (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Tue Jul 1 12:51:38 2003
- Audio cutting out on FM is often a sign of the receiver squelch being set too tight when the repeater has a little bit hot audio. Like the local 147.240 repeater here. 73, Jerry, K0CQ -- Entire conte
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00012.html (7,127 bytes)
- 25. [TenTec] T tuner (transmatch) losses? (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Tue Jul 1 23:24:04 2003
- 250 watts INPUT of AM might produce as much as 200 watts of carrier with modulation to 800 watts on peaks. 1 KW input AM might produce as much as 750 watts of carrier (unless the modulated stage was
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00054.html (10,287 bytes)
- 26. [TenTec] T tuner (transmatch) losses? (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Wed Jul 2 04:08:16 2003
- So long as the balun transformer is not considered to be bothered by core saturation and hasn't stray c and leakage inductance (e.g. theoretically perfect, not real world) it makes little difference
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00058.html (12,501 bytes)
- 27. [TenTec] Corsair II f.p. meter continued + other fixes (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Wed Jul 2 12:47:13 2003
- There are no TR relay contacts in the Corsair... Its diode switched. The intermittent receive often comes from the separate receive antenna switch on the back panel. Work in a half drop of DeoxIt to
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00064.html (8,612 bytes)
- 28. [TenTec] Corsair II f.p. meter continued + other fixes (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Wed Jul 2 14:06:27 2003
- Its really hard to clean grease off the thread through the pistol with the PTO shaft assembled. 73, Jerry, K0CQ -- Entire content copyright Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer. Reproduction by
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00068.html (8,717 bytes)
- 29. [TenTec] Corsair II f.p. meter continued + other fixes (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Wed Jul 2 14:06:42 2003
- I think that relay you hear is the amplifier keying relay. Some object to it's sound and stuff a bit of paper match stick under the armature to stop it from clicking. 73, Jerry, K0CQ -- Entire conten
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00069.html (9,182 bytes)
- 30. [TenTec] Corsair II tricks and tips (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Wed Jul 2 15:11:54 2003
- The small shaft WAS a part of the rebuild kit I bought. And my PTO demanded it. It was badly worn. I need to add another end play washer. The shaft grounding not only adds a little rotational stiffne
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00076.html (8,450 bytes)
- 31. [TenTec] DeoxIT (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Wed Jul 2 16:01:33 2003
- DeoxIT is THE best contact cleaner, bar none. But it needs to be used sparingly, in quarter drop amounts per contact. It can soften insulating materials like wafer switches and PC boards if sprayed i
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00079.html (7,313 bytes)
- 32. [TenTec] field day from hell, almost ! (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Mon Jul 7 15:27:17 2003
- Our club class 3F station had it really tough. No Tentecs. Carpet on the floor, central air conditioning, stairs to the roof, a bit limited roof space for antennas and no way to toss up a tower witho
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00230.html (7,776 bytes)
- 33. [TenTec] Corsair ON/OFF (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Thu Jul 10 00:12:48 2003
- The two switches are probably in series. Whatever the power switch is in the power supply its easier to replace than the switch in the Corsair. Use the power supply switch and leave the Corsair switc
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00292.html (8,231 bytes)
- 34. [TenTec] field day from hell (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Thu Jul 10 00:12:53 2003
- Bob, don't knock the computer logging all that much. Its only half as fast as logging on paper, maybe slower if the logger can't copy CW at contest speeds and the operator has to make a paper log for
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00293.html (9,006 bytes)
- 35. [TenTec] Corsair ON/OFF (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Thu Jul 10 11:12:12 2003
- Its probably a better option to switch the power supply from an external easily replaced switch such as on an outlet strip. That cuts down on power supply and radio repair. 73, Jerry, K0CQ -- Entire
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00301.html (8,113 bytes)
- 36. [TenTec] Corsair ON/OFF (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Thu Jul 10 18:35:44 2003
- No. The radio switch is only a remote power supply line switch. No DC is switched with the standard Tentec cable (though it is with my cable). One presumes that the output of the Tentec supply won't
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00312.html (8,578 bytes)
- 37. [TenTec] field day from hell (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Fri Jul 11 10:20:03 2003
- At that point, why not have the computer copy, then the operator can take a long siesta and wander back to see how the contest went. Where's the OPERATOR SKILL in that? Like a local no code Extra who
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00330.html (9,489 bytes)
- 38. [TenTec] COAX AND FERRITE BALUNS (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Fri Jul 11 21:08:37 2003
- Solenoid coil baluns are effective so long as you avoid their stray resonances, such as where the outside is a halfwave long (including the outer covering which may be considerably lossier than the p
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00361.html (8,620 bytes)
- 39. [TenTec] 40823 Mosfet for Omni-C (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Fri Jul 11 21:08:42 2003
- The 40823, 40822, 40821, 3N140, 3N142, and 40673 are virtually indistinguishable from their data sheets. The 4082x were pushed more as industrial transistors while the 3N14x and 40673 were pushed mor
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00362.html (9,699 bytes)
- 40. [TenTec] Orion with color display (score: 1)
- Author: geraldj@isunet.net (Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer)
- Date: Mon Jul 14 14:47:08 2003
- I see that one can buy an Orion with 13 or 19" color display at Walmart. ;<) Under $100, and it receives, probably has no transmitter PTT connection. Receives from 54 to 800 MHz with some gaps, in 6
- /archives//html/TenTec/2003-07/msg00412.html (8,318 bytes)
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