Quite poetic as-is, but I interpreted that as "audio is a factor of phones" which can be very true. "All the world's a stage... and audio is an actor of phones" hihi Joe N5KAT _______________________
Looking for an INRAD 757 filter, 2.4kc. If you have one surplus to your needs, pse contact me at the email below. Joe N5KAT jroberts at io.com _______________________________________________ TenTec m
I second this...clean the power supply connectors with DeOxit. This is a classic Ten-Tec maintenance procedure that solves all sorts of faults that don't seem to have anything to do with dirty power
Thought I'd ask on the off-chance somebody has a noise blanker board available for the 544... Love the old 544 but drowning in summertime electrical noise here...much of it blankable on many radios.
Reading comments on eham and elsewhere, the Triton noise blanker is made out to be fantastic! For an example of a useless NB, try my Omni V. Does almost nothing. I used Corsairs for years and have t
Mike: Found a pic on Ten Tec Wiki http://www.tentecwiki.org/doku.php?id=249 Click on pic for bigger version There are three small toroids but nothing exotic (to the eye). Joe N5KAT On 7/25/2010 7:03
Yes and no. After trying MANY MANY headphones, I settled on a 300 ohm RACAL/Astrolite aviation headset, 300 ohm Telephonics TDH-39 audiometer/aviation phones, and good old 300 ohm Western Electric AN
Sadly, I'm still working my way up to an Orion. Using an Omni V and FT-102 mostly these days. If/when I get one, I have the hi-fi phones!! Joe N5KAT _______________________________________________ Te
I don't have to ready Sherwood (or Heil or K9YC)to know that. Ack-tually, I'm kind of a two-bit audio expert myself, as former DIY magazine editor and current high end tube audio manufacturer/consult
If the PSU is next to the radio on the left side of the rig, you will probably get some hum in your audio. One of the little quirks of TT life... Hope you enjoy your 562 as much as I enjoy mine! Joe
Lately old Kenwoods have been fetching "good money" in the used market. They are all fine high performance old timers and fun to use. I have a 830s and that radio is sure worth $350 to me! But I have
John: No idea what to do about the extra display digit. That is a freaky problem, to be sure! As for mods, I'd say use the rig for a while and see if anything jumps out as needing work. For me, exces
Forgot to mention this essential mod! Great increase in ergonomics and functionality. Joe N5KAT _______________________________________________ TenTec mailing list TenTec@contesting.com http://lists
Steve: I can't tell you how to proceed but I know where you are coming from. I run an Omni V.9, misc Omni C and Triton type gear, FT-102, and a TS-830. The lure of new technology and topologies is v
Yeah, I wouldn't call the Triton a cheap rig...even though it is only $200 +/- now. It was a top of the line set in its day. I remember reading Triton ads as a kid, totally amazed at DIGITAL READOUT!
Well that goes to prove that some non Ten-Tec radios are good too! The Omni V can be a real noisebox. I've had two and fixed the noise issues in one with a complete recap of several boards. It will n
Also: Useful lifespan of technology went down as intermod went up, often curtailing production at height of popularity due to shifts at the chip or display manufacturing level--and rendering rigs vir
First thing I would do whenever one of the later Omnis I have owned did something crazy is clean the power supply connectors thoroughly with Deoxit. I have seen some very strange phenomena due to dir
With all the trading in INRAD filters going on lately, let me add my want ad: Looking for a #756 2.4 1st IF filter for Omni V/VI. Thanks and 73, Joe N5KAT ____________________________________________
Thanks for reply to my listing. I already have a 2.8 2nd IF filter, but maybe somebody else wants it on Black Friday special... 73 Joe N5KAT _______________________________________________ TenTec mai