Hi Michael, I cannot answer your question, since I don't have a Paragon, and as far as I know my Omni VI does not have a Giehl chip. However there is a Paragon in the mail headed my way. So I am curi
There are different kinds of ground systems for different purposes. For the purpose of keeping RF potential at the rig low, a good way to go is to have a quarter wavelength piece of wire connected t
Once upon a time when I had a Heathkit SB-301 and SB-401, both purchased already built from separate parties, I got a SB-620 (I could be wrong on the model number) "Scanalyzer" scope kit as a gift.
Hi All, I just wanted to say thanks for all the responses to my question about the utility of various spectrum sweep displays in radios. 73 ES ALOHA DE N6KB
I am interested to hear from anyone who has had both the Paragon and the Paragon II. How do they compare. What does the II have that the plain doesn't? Thanks, Ken N6KB
Yes you could and then the 10 MHz reference and the 5.0-5.5 MHz PLL, which is referenced to it, would be as stable and precise as the GPS disiplined oscillator. The BFO and the band changing oscillat
John, You're absolutely right. The bandswitching crystal oscillators ARE phase locked to the 20 MHz ovenized oscillator, and the BFO xtal oscillators are not. Thanks for correcting me. DE N6KB
Just as wide low SWR bandwidth on an antenna can be because of significant loss resistance (as opposed to radiation resistance), a wide bandwidth with a tuner may be an indication of high losses. Al
Hi Jerry, I use CT by K1EA Contest Logging Program when I operate in contests. I do not have to keep a paper log and a paper dupe sheet, and when the contest is over the score calculation and prepart
Just a couple of comments on AGC, ALC etcetera. It is interesting that there were ever two different terms for what is essentially the same thing. My experience has been that ALC has been the termin
I am not using a level converter between my Omni VI and my PC and it works fine. The only problem I have is that when exiting CT (using DOS) and going to Hyperlog, the computer locks up and must be r
Hi Clark, I don't find it funny, and I'm not bothered by hearing about it either. I just hope that you are able to put up antennas at your new home, and I hope you're keeping at least one good radio.
There is a standard used in telephony and analog multiplexing wherin the value of an audio level in dB(with a suffix I cannot remember) is expressed as it would be read on an AC RMS voltmeter with a
I agree that testing tuners (and baluns too) into purely resistive loads does not give a very complete picture of how they will work in the real world. However I think that the capacitive and inducti
That is grid driven verses cathode driven. Triode amplifiers can be built either way and so can Tetrode amplifiers. The screen of a Tetrodes has a screen voltage source and no drive signal connected
I have seen a similar technique with microphones for Ericson/GE mobile radios. I believe the microphones are supplied by Shure Bros. Some of them have a few ounces of lead or pot metal inside of them
Yes, but at HF the noise from other sources (as long as you have an antenna connected, and a decent receiver) should be so much higher that it will not matter whether the first stage of your receive
Jerry, Thanks for the very informative post. I wonder if you or anyone else on the reflector has any information about narrower and/or steeper skirted than stock roofing filters for the JA rigs. I ha