And to the Omni VI. _______________________________________________ TenTec mailing list
I have a Ten-Tec Instruction Sheet for Models 216, 217, 218, 219, 220 and 221 Crystal Filters which provides a cross reference between model numbers and stock code as follows: I have not seen a simil
Hi Roy, Congratulations on finding the noise source, and being lucky enough to have a neighbor who is cooperative enough to work out a solution that works for you. This is no doubt a mass produced it
Hi Jon, You didn't say what radio you are using it in. If it is in an Omni VI, whether it passes more high tones or low tones depends not only on the center frequency of the 6.3 MHz IF filter. It als
Please check your dictionaries for the definitions of the following words: their, there, they're, to, too, two, week, weak Most spill checkers will only till ewe whether ewe have spilled the word wri
Where can I find online pictures of the 2005 Hamvention? _______________________________________________ TenTec mailing list
I do own an Omni VI and a manual for it, so I can answer this question. The Omni VI has a single BFO. Only one oscillator circuit for the BFO. The frequency it operates on is controlled by SELECTING
Hi Eric, When I first started operating 160 meters, it was at a club station site which had a full quarter wavelength base insulated tower. We used that tower for transmit only, because the MWBC QRM
Thanks Bob. I enjoyed that, and will save it, and no doubt forward it to several friends. DE N6KB _______________________________________________ TenTec mailing list http://list
You may not even need to use the relay in the Omni VI to key the amplifier. The TX OUT line on the Omni VI which is used with Ten Tec amplifiers is connected to the open collector of Q11 (on the Cont
What does the Bird watt meter do? Stay at a constant 100 watts? Or drop the same as the Omni meter? What about reflected power indicated by the Bird? How about the Ic (Collector Current) on the Omni
Hi Dale, I will tell you what I know about Omni VI IF filter possibilities. All Omni VI versions have a 15 kHz BW 2 pole crystal filter as the 1st filter in the 9 MHz IF. This filter is in the receiv
If the QRO amp is QSK capable, in the sense of being able to work with the Ten-Tec keying loop, you would not use the RELAY OUT at all. You would use the TX OUT (to key the amplifier) and TX EN (for
Hi Barry, You want to use the RMS voltage value to calculate the power using Power equals Voltage squared divided by resistance. However measuring the peak to peak AC voltage with an oscilloscope is
This is wrong! Using peak voltage instead of RMS voltage of the peaks will result in a power miscalculation by a factor of two. Using Peak to Peak voltage instead of RMS voltage of the peaks would r
The HF-2500Dx does not have a TX EN "ready for transmit" output. As such I would have to assume the high speed switching employed in the amp is engineering to handle the exciter power on key up. -- O
Hi, I think this is a question that this reflector ought to be a good place to look for an answer. Even if it is a figment of someone's imagination, I would want to find out before buying one. I woul
Hi Mike, Most amplifiers do not have enough capacitance in their variable loading capacitor to operate much lower than on about 14 MHz. Fixed capacitors are switched in parallel for the lower bands.
I am curious about "FCC type requirements". I know that transceivers use in commercial and CB radio service need to be "FCC Type Accepted" for their particular use. Type acceptance means that the eq