The receiver performance of the Paragon and Paragon II were virtually identical and also not bad. The Paragon II had a much better user interface, much more like the Omni VI including the Icom CI-V s
It sounds like your RCA cable acros the VFO in/out jumper is not pushed all the way in. You may have to actually turn in around some as you push in to help clean off any oxidation that may have occur
You can use the Argonaut V right now with WrtiteLog if you are also running my N4PY Pegasus/Jupiter/Argonaut V Control Program. My program presents a "pegasus" interface to WriteLog so you just tell
Lane, That power supply came before the model 280. I believe the model 280 was the first to have over-voltage protection. I belive the 262M is well regualted but has no over-voltage protection in cas
Rich, The Pegasus and Jupiter are essentailly the same radio. The only significant thing the Jupiter has besides direct front panel control is over current detection the final transistor circuit. Thi
I just tried the test with the Argo V here. I had a transmit frequency of 7.007 and a receive frequency of 7.019. Absolutely no chirp was heard in my RX340 monitoring the transmit output of the Argo
I have seen several people recently having difficulty getting the microprocessor chip from Newark Electronics for my Omni V.9 upgrade, especially people in Europe. I have decided to make it a lot eas
Dob, My chip puts most of the Paragon II functions into the Omni V. So, there is no reason for it to work with the Paragon II. The Paragon II already has a nice set of function built into it. 73, Car
John, What Windows OS are you using? I run Windows ME and never have had the problem. I'm going to guess you are using windows XP. I think there is a mode you can put XP in that says emulate windows
Wayne, You can move the EXT T/R slider up a little from the bottom. This slider is in the "Transmitter Settings" window and it controls how long the EXT T/R line stays active after transmitting stops
Mark, If the Z11 tuner is the LDG tuner, I have a way to control this from my software using a pegasus. There is a small mod that needs to be made to serial port cable. This is explaned in my user ma
Mark, Writelog is a good one for this. It controls the pegasus through my software and works quite well in this application. Carl Moreschi N4PY Franklinton, NC -- Original Message -- From: "Mark Erba
Version 2.05 of my N4PY Pegasus/Jupiter/RX350 control program has been released. Highlights of the new version are: 1) Added the ability to set the size and color of your call sign that displays on t
The Jupiter does in fact have txout and txen for full QSK with the Hercules. Also, if you run the Jupiter with my N4PY software, you can purchase the TopTen devices automatic band decoder and my soft
I agree on the price. $3300 is what the Orion is costing me. I already have everything else. It's misrepresentative to quote the $4431.95. Carl Moreschi N4PY Franklinton, NC -- Original Message -- Fr
I expect the Orion to perform extremely well with NO optional filters. The DSP alone has a 100 db dynamic range right up to the sharpest DSP filter width. I don't expect a great change by adding the
Author: Carl Moreschi" < (Carl Moreschi)
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 00:32:54 -0000
All you have to do is move PBT down a little bit to hear the low frequencies better. This will not change the transmit carrier offset. Carl Moreschi N4PY Franklinton, North Carolina
Author: Carl Moreschi" < (Carl Moreschi)
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 15:39:55 -0000
I'm sorry. I thought you were talking about the Pegasus and Jupiter. Carl Moreschi N4PY Franklinton, North Carolina -- Original Message -- From: "Barry N1EU" <> To: <
I am setting up a vintage station. I have a Collins 75A1 (1950) that works well. I am mating it to an old Gonset GSB-100 (1960) transmitter. I have both units working here. I have a Heath HD-1410 key