It seems that most virus checkers find nothing wrong with my site; however, for some reason Google has flagged it as suspicious. Some browsers rely on Google to identify "dodgy" sites - those browser
Folks, This was the problem: On the host GoDaddy USA server, at the level above my "karinya" domain, the .htaccess file had been attacked and changed so that it pointed to a malware site. It had been
Folks, I submitted the site for a Google malware scan yesterday evening. The results are back this morning - everything is clean and Google have removed the warnings. I expect that to be the end of t
If that transmitter is delivering a constant power, that is what you would expect. Power delivered = Pforward - Preflected So, if Preflected drops because the SWR is falling, so must Pforward drop if
As Jerry said ..... but just in case there is any lingering confusion, the new board replaces Ten-Tec's "81246 Logic Board". The new board is functionally identical to the TT part except: * It update
For any folks who may be interested I just produced a web page describing my PTO replacement: Although I don't expect anyone will want to replicate my design
I received my ExpressPCB boards back yesterday and today have built a couple of DDS units to prove the design - all is well. I've added a photo of the enclosure containing the new board to my web pag
Neat! When I see that, and note that the second PIC on my replacement logic board has 8 unused I/O lines, and note that PIC already generates the keying signal, I'm tempted to dive into the code agai
Jerry, You would certainly get two of those boards within ExpressPCB's MiniBoardPro outline - maybe more. That option gives you 3 boards - and therefore at least 6 sidetone boards - for $75 plus deli
If I were to implement Joe's sidetone mod I would build it on a small board, then mount that board on a couple of short stand-offs bolted to my replacement logic board: * It looks like there's plenty
I decided it would be nice not to have to modify the CorsairII knob when replacing the PTO with my DDS unit, so I made up a shaft adaptor; it slips over the encoder shaft, and has stepped diameters t
I used to have a small box full of Allen wrenches with sizes from 1.2mm to 1.7mm in 0.1mm steps !!!! No longer - the one which fits the Corsair tuning knob is now in its own box with a big label atta
Jerry, "Am I now in the exclusive club? ;-) " Not until you've drilled out the set-screw hole and re-tapped it for something bigger. And not until you can replace the dial skirt without using bad wor
Jerry, I find the safest way is to slip some thin insulated wire behind the skirt, slide it down to the shaft and pull. I've used two ways to put it back: 1) Tie some very thin cord around the straig
Here's a photo of a plastic tie-wrap doing the job. Being plastic it wont mark the skirt or the front panel when you pull it out, and it's flexible enough that it wont foul the front panel lips: http
Are you expecting to be able to use the Scout PA on VHF ? Steve G3TXQ _______________________________________________ TenTec mailing list
Paul, If the frequency display is OK I wouldn't immediately suspect the uP chip. As someone else said, check that the uP is seeing the keying clock (Pin 7); you might also check whether the keying is
That sounds perfectly normal! On Receive, whatever the mode, the CorsairII frequency readout always shows the *zero-beat* frequency; in other words it will read 750Hz (approx) different from a CW sig
Subject says it all! Steve G3TXQ _______________________________________________ TenTec mailing list http://l
I'm still no wiser :) What was his reason for omitting mention of TT? Steve G3TXQ _______________________________________________ TenTec mailing list