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References: [ +from:warrenw@pentek.com: 17 ]

Total 17 documents matching your query.

1. [TenTec] discovery: ** Doug Smith Orion info on web ** (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 09:30:42 -0400
I visited the site, and printed the pages to a PDF file. It prints out NICELY, anyone interested please email me directly and I send it off to you. Warren Walsh - K2BM Pentek - Your source for DSP a
/archives//html/TenTec/2002-10/msg00315.html (8,675 bytes)

2. [TenTec] RX-340 DSP (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Mon, 04 Mar 2002 12:55:53 -0500
Greetings, Can one of the RX-340 owners tell me what DSP chip Tentec used in this receiver? Also I downloaded the Kachina 505 schematics, but can't seem to find any DSP chip in the schematics! Anyone
/archives//html/TenTec/2002-03/msg00121.html (6,989 bytes)

3. [TenTec] Orion Preview (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 10:52:17 -0500
Wow! Finally real DSP processing power (can you tell I'm spoiled by my job?)! This sounds like it'll be one fine radio! Can't wait to see and hear it. 73 Warren Walsh - K2BM Pentek - Your source for
/archives//html/TenTec/2002-03/msg00170.html (10,172 bytes)

4. [TenTec] Orion - The Kachina Design Theory (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 06:47:57 -0500
Hi Jim and list members, The only thing I find interesting about the Kachina is that it doesn't use a DSP chip. It uses a Motorola 16 bit micro-controller for the DSP work. This does the job, but it
/archives//html/TenTec/2002-03/msg00205.html (8,417 bytes)

5. [TenTec] Attention OMNI-VI Owners (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 06:45:13 -0500
I am looking for a volunteer. I have recently started to copy the OMNI-VI schematics from the owners manual to OrCAD 9.2. I have completed the lowpass filter board and the bandpass filter/front end b
/archives//html/TenTec/2001-01/msg00640.html (7,213 bytes)

6. [TenTec] Balanced tuner (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 13:16:41 -0500
There is also a good article on balanced tuners at this site: http://www.vcnet.com/measures/bbat.html 73 Warren - K2BM Pentek - Your source for DSP and Digital Receivers! == Warren J. Walsh (warrenw@
/archives//html/TenTec/2001-01/msg00667.html (8,366 bytes)

7. [TenTec] OMNI-VI Birdie - Update (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2000 13:37:40 -0500
I have had several people ask about the actual modifications I performed on my OMNI-VI+ (Option 3 Upgrade). I really did not do anything extraordinary. I basically followed the suggestions listed by
/archives//html/TenTec/2000-03/msg00011.html (8,557 bytes)

8. [TenTec] OMNI-VI Birdies (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:58:44 -0500
In going back through the recent list archives, I came across several emails concerning OMNI Noise. I did some private corresponding with Piotr, who graciously provided me with additional information
/archives//html/TenTec/2000-02/msg00317.html (8,124 bytes)

9. [TenTec] OMNI-VI Birdies (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 07:12:47 -0500
Yes, there is a significant improvement in the number of birdies I hear on 10M, however I cannot say for certain which of the mods made that improvement. It could have been the jumper, or the additio
/archives//html/TenTec/2000-02/msg00322.html (7,741 bytes)

10. [TenTec] FS: 217 Filter (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 07:12:23 -0500
Tentec Model 217 500Hz 8 pole crystal filter for the 9MHz IF position (narrow position in OMNI VI). Asking $50.00 US including shipping in the US. Thanks Warren Walsh - K2BM Work Address - warrenw@pe
/archives//html/TenTec/1998-11/msg00219.html (6,853 bytes)

11. [TenTec] FS: 217 Filter (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 08:58:39 -0500
The filter is SOLD! Thanks Warren - K2BM -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/tentecfaq.htm Submissions: tentec@contesting.com Administrative requests: tentec-REQUEST@contesting.com Problems: own
/archives//html/TenTec/1998-11/msg00220.html (7,071 bytes)

12. [TenTec] FS: TenTec 285 Filter (score: 1)
Author: warrenw@pentek.com (Warren J. Walsh)
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 10:41:51 -0400
I have forsale a Tentec 285 6MHz IF 500Hz filter. I am asking $50.00 US for it, includes shipping in US or Canada. Thanks Warren - K2BM warrenw@pentek.com - Work Address wwalsh@intac.com - Home Addre
/archives//html/TenTec/1998-10/msg00098.html (6,825 bytes)

13. [TenTec] K3BU Orion Review @ eham.net (score: 1)
Author: "Warren J. Walsh" <warrenw@pentek.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2004 10:38:08 -0500
Hello listmembers, I guess Yuri doesn't think the Orion is that bad, he gave it a 4 out of 5 on Eham.net! http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/2128 Warren Walsh - K2BM _________________________________
/archives//html/TenTec/2004-01/msg00380.html (6,673 bytes)

14. Re: [TenTec] Heil ProSet adapter with Orion -- hum (score: 1)
Author: "Warren J. Walsh" <warrenw@pentek.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 13:51:22 -0400
Mic (1) and gnd (2)? And the PTT switch uses >PTT (3) and gnd (2). It appears to be an unbalanced input, and handling of the "gnd" connection is what we've been >discussing. I'm saying all of this wi
/archives//html/TenTec/2004-06/msg00760.html (10,689 bytes)

15. Re: [TenTec] Heil ProSet adapter with Orion -- hum (score: 1)
Author: "Warren J. Walsh" <warrenw@pentek.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 15:23:36 -0400
the shield of your adapter to the connector >shell, and that leaves you 2 wires for the microphone. Did you not include the footswitch connection to the PTT? And, >if you did, what did you use as the
/archives//html/TenTec/2004-06/msg00762.html (9,809 bytes)

16. Re: [TenTec] 30 day Return Policy (score: 1)
Author: "Warren J. Walsh" <warrenw@pentek.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 13:07:02 -0400
That's because they were not Jupiters, the were Pegasus units! http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/165?page=2 Notice how different this sounds compared to his fowarded letter... 73 Warren Walsh - K2BM
/archives//html/TenTec/2005-07/msg01144.html (7,691 bytes)

17. [TenTec] Orion V 2.0 firmware (score: 1)
Author: "Warren J. Walsh" <warrenw@pentek.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 13:22:04 -0400
Does anyone know if V2.0 will be available for CQWW SSB? Thanks Warren - K2BM _______________________________________________ TenTec mailing list TenTec@contesting.com http://lists.contesting.com/mai
/archives//html/TenTec/2005-10/msg00206.html (6,483 bytes)

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