All Topband list If you've followed my efforts to shunt feed my Skyneedle tower you'll know that I settled with a tap point of 67' and 30" or so of spacing with my feed point reading 42 + j0 ohms. Th
Thanks to all who replied Tom W8JI, your comments on the metallic panel and the static bleed choke make sense. I was so pleased with the FLAT SWR reading with the variable cap outside the panel but I
Thanks guys The j11 ohms is the best I can get period. I was able to get j0 when the cap was outside of the steel enclosure with a better bandwidth. Maybe I should throw my $400 enclosure and find a
Charlie The cap is no where near maxed out. I'm using approx 150pf of a 1050pf variable cap. Carl Well, you can do all that, Carl But if your series variable capacitor is not maxed out (fully meshed)
I'm working on the radial field weekly. Here is a theoretical question that results from my particular QTH. The Skyneedle is situated near a secondary blacktop driveway that is in the back of my prop
All Moisture has gotten to the copper. I've heard white vinegar may work. Its cheap...give it a try Carl AG6X Dave G4GED Wrote on Feb. 22nd. "Hi and thanks for reading. I'm trying to splice a damaged
Tom I assume the system has reactance since the MFJ is reading the "X" and I'm seeing the resulting SWR on the analyzer AND at the rig. The swr at my given freq as tuned with the variable cap is 1.3:
Charlie Thanks for the tip. I may play with a bit of inductance just to see how the system reacts. Not sure if I can post a pic here but I'm including a shot of the panel and the cap...hope you all c
The measurements are being taken, and have been taken, at the same point since the beginning of the antenna experiment. The ONLY difference is that the variable cap is now mounted inside the steel pa
Carl and Topbanders Here are the latest details and I will try and be as thorough as possible. Good news! I built my gamma cage and the antenna now performs MUCH better. Here's where I stand: 90' Tri
Topbanders Im currently using a two element vertical array that I'm able to use on both 80 and 160M by switching in two different feedlines and matching schemes. The system works well using a Comtek
Barry and fellow Topbanders I used an Icom 7800 for diversity reception and found it to be a wonderful performer. I would listen to my vertical array on 80 while monitoring the same signals with my s
Rick Thanks for the reply. I'm glad to hear that it's that simple. I used the same principle when the verticals were dedicated to 40M and were 1/4wl tall where I fed them with 3/4wl and 5/4wl coaxial
Hello Topbanders I have a two element array 1/8wl away from my 90' Skyneedle tower with Telrex yagi atop. I want to electrically isolate this tower from the array by dropping a shunt wire from near t
Hello John I, too, have experimented with base and top loading with verticals on Topband. No question about it, the toploading is much better. Just take a look at your feedpoint impedance with the ba
Herb and Topbanders I, too, heard K5P on TB well after my sunrise here in San Diego...about 25 minutes past SR. In fact, the K5P signal on TB was better than it was on 80M. I witnessed some real QSB
JC hit the nail on the head...lets identify those who are using RHR openly. My preference would be a specific suffix designator that would identify the transmitting station and then let's see if anyo
At 1040z here in so cal the K5P station went from NIL to 599 on Topband. Maybe someone found the ON button for the amp? Carl AG6X _________________ Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.
K5P announced QRX at 1513...20 minutes after my local SR. Very stron when QRX and being reported by other west coast stations. Now at 1517 still no return with no stations calling. Maybe a Latte brea
Tony I have similar birdies on 160 but my worst one resides at the bottom of the 75m DX window at 3790 or so. It's 5kc wide and sounds like a digital warbler. Some say its a neighbors noisy router th