I turned on my 160 meter radio around 0100 UT on the 21st, and was greeted by a huge level of noise on 1830. It wasn't too long before I realized that I was listening to an AM BC station. Audio was d
That is good. I will see what happens when I call them. I suspect they will do nothing as there is probably no engineer on staff. A VE3 ham told me that this station is notorious in that area! Thank
Hello 160 ops, I tried a telephone call to all the numbers for CKTB, but there is no way to leave a messagee unless you know the name of someone there on the directory list. There is no receptionist
Good question Roy I was hearing the St Catherine station very loud on 1830, but with intermittent periods where it would dropout. This was at a time with high winds in the NE. I suspected that it mi
Hello Andy, I was on for a very short time. I worked a few EU stations with incredible signals, 599 with preamp off, on my K3 S-meter. Then the noise built up and static crashes became long and loud.
Hello Merv I received a card here for a 160 QSO from 5I5TT. Not sure when it arrived, but it must have been in the last 2 weeks or so. I may have sent them a contribution to provoke an early card?
Hello Andy I will try to get on in the morning. I have been very busy repairing my VHF ham shack and have little time for anything else. I have done almost no trout fishing this summer, but spend my
Frank, That is one of the best e mails about beverages I have seen!! Thanks. I have been toying with making a long Europe beverage along my rocky ridgeline. It is solid rock with no way to apply a c
Wow! All this juicy DX makes me want to steal the exciter out of my remote VHF shack and bring it back to the house so I can get in on some 160 meter fun! I have rigs set up on 6, 2, and 222 MHz. Th
I missed you, Roger, I tried to get on Saturday and everything was working great, but a bad storm was coming through with heavy wet snow. There was all sorts of static and my TX antenna VSWR was goin
Hello Roger The CQ 160 SSB Contest was difficult as I was not very interested in working USA stations just east of the Mississippi River. DX stations were all under a few layers of US stations calli
I am not a certificate hunter, but I was curious to see how many CQ zones I had worked on 160 meters. Getting all 40 zones on 160 is a challenge. My list includes 38 of the 40 CQ zones, and only zo
Gee, all I wanted was a few pointers in hopes of knocking off a couple of CQ zones! I also discovered that many of my e mail replies went into a junque mail folder for some unknown reason. Thanks t
Very sad to hear of Fausto's passing. I worked I4EAT on the VHF bands, My first QSO with him was in early 1979 on 144 MHz moonbounce. We had many QSOs on 144 and also 50 MHz E Skip. I treasure tho
I saw the same thing all the time on 144 MHz using my horizontal yagis, while trying to work vertically polarized stations. (usually mobiles with vertical whips.) My yagis would always peak up the v
I was QRV one morning when W1FV was working JAs on a skewed path. At that time, he mentioned he was hearing them skewed to the west. When he was seeing a skewed path, I was seeing a direct path here
Hello Dan, I love reading these stories. I guess I like it when man overcomes adversity! It is amazing the mistakes that are made when you are also tired and "rotten, reeling, and rolling in the gutt
It looks like the Summer Stew scores duplicated. (?) OOPS! Dave K1WHS www.kkn.net/stew 73 Tree N6TR _________________ Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector _____
Hello Nick, You were my contact #2 on 160. Vy FB signals! I had much trouble being heard in EU both nights. I called many weak and strong stations and got no replies. After awhile I quit. It was
Hello Andy, I am sorry that I missed you, but I was busy with a 5 watt QRP 160 meter operating event last night. I was way down on about 1.810 looking for weak 5 watt signals. I called "CQ FOX"and w