This is a real, no joke video of a new 2 to 400 MHz seawater antenna. Our tax dollars at work. But an interesting concept. Dumb, but interesting. Brad KD1BL sent me this very interesting idea for an
Have you tried Amidon in the US? Sent from my iPad _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
I agree slingshots are very difficult to get accuracy with because of how you have to hold the weight AND they often lack power at steep angles or heights over 60 ft. But I don't know about using suc
Yes but with a little practice and a keen eye you can manually pull on the launched fishing line to prevent it from overshooting the target or worse, go wild. HOWEVER, be careful it doesn't arc backw
Just one additional safety thing - look out for a bounce back if the arrow hits a tree trunk or branch. They can come right back to the origin very quickly. I always remove the original arrow tip as
I have seen worse. K1AJL had a single 833 on two bricks on top of a dirt basement floor with the tank circuit simply seated on plywood on the same floor. The amp was keyed from a room directly upstai
Same scenario here with BOG. Sensitivity way down but directivity appears same. I may run a new wire on top of the ice cap which is a couple feet thick at this point in NNJ. Prob not solid all way th
Why not just use SKYPE? Could have a packaged service which includes band noise, QRM, etc. Like Dr DX but via SKYPE. QST can do a full tech review. For once it may be meaningful too. Sent from my iPa
Thats a great use Herb .. FWIW - I am not a contester or an awards collector but I am a serious dx'er. Technology concerns aside for how the various new things can be abused, I really think the singl
The only thing which would make this "better" than the usual mag loop is better balance - but W8JI has shown a single wire loop can be much easier to balance than the coax. Not sure how broad banded
I notice they repeat the incorrect assertion that these magnetic loops work by being sensitive to the "magnetic field" rather than the electric field and that has been long shown to be false - these
Andy. Again, it's the laws of physics which apply. The mag loop can only be sensitive go the magnetic field and less so to the E field only if it is very very close to noise source. That's just the w
I have actually heard several people - some very experienced 160 DX'ers observe that the magnetic loop can null noise without facing the null to it by raising it's height. K2DSY said he found elevati
I have the same experience .. a number of short radials and a few long ones, but only in a 180 degree pattern because of the lot lines and an ill tempered neighbor. I have several tower sections unus
There is a standalone tool to create loop files for EZNEC too .. that is perhaps what they built into V5 ... I have it on a pc around here if someone wants it - it was a freeware thing. Worked well w
Why would it be notable for the radials to be bonded to the perimeter of the mesh and not overlaid on the mesh and connected directly to the field point? Sent from my iPad ___________________________
I onvce did a observational study like this with W2JPW who lives 3 miles from my QTH. We did the test on all bands from 160 to 2 meters using zero gain omni directional antennas. On 160, with 1500W h
Re signal improvements when over fresh water or swamp I've notice that many times on VHF or FM radio in the car and always simply suspected the effects of being in the clear without obstructions like