On 12/13/2012 3:14 PM, Tom W8JI wrote: Somehow they thought moving the feedpoint eliminated the need for radials with an electrically short antenna, when the real mechanism was a 1/2 wave vertical wa
Dave WX7G I learned about this QTH from Earl K6SE (SK). The terrain to the north isn't so great (high mountains), but toward CONUS is literally miles of salty lake bed. Also, it was pretty wet the ye
Glenn, The impedance of the very short element at the point where it attaches to the 4x4 is very high (i.e. very high capacitive reactance). When you stick your hand on the 4x4 you are adding the imp
He claims he is using a "4 element vertical beam" to Europe. An optimized 4 EL array combined with proximity to saltwater might explain it, but that still seems like a big stretch. I remember sending
LMR400 or any cable, in sensitive applications, requires a solid bond to the shield that carries the vast majority of return current. In the case of almost all cables on HF and higher, that is the in
It remained that way with Comcast & AT&T Broadband at least until 2002 when I left AT&T corporate engineering, shortly after the merger. I doubt much has changed since then. Concerns are a bit differ
W6AM's rhombics. Such as: "The W6AM station was legendary around the world. Don could beat you in a pileup for some obscure African station no matter what band, and even if you were on the east coast
Any resistor except a big wire wound is "non-inductive" on a low frequency like 160. What you want is a composition type resistor, either metal or carbon, to handle surges without changing value. Th
On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 14:32:41 -0500 "Charlie Cunningham" <charlie-cunningham@nc.rr.com> wrote: Many black plastics are "blackened" by the addition of "carbon black" that can make them rather lossy at
I have a 60' tall top loaded vertical for 160M and would like to know how best to feed it to use it on 80M as well. On 80M there will be some pretty high voltages at the feedpoint. Other than dealing
Timo, According to ARRL's TLW program, your RF insertion loss for 1500ft of RG-6 cable should be around 7dB. This is based on Belden 8215 which uses a solid dielectric which makes it more lossy than
I am very sad to hear this news. There are some things you count on in life. The sun rises every morning and then sets in the evening; and back when I was really active on topband and up every mornin
But skimmer, which displays a relative level, does not show the level difference. Skimmer shows about the same peak levels, but the stations closer or over salt water paths (not localized salt water
For receiving, an absence of noise sources in the path is all the difference in the world. As an example of this look at what N7JW and K7CA did from the Utah desert area. Utah desert is like the anti
Larry, you hit upon a very important point regarding ethical lapses not being entirely victimless. Personally, I feel very strongly that when I send a QSL to someone it should indicate the state, cou
Doug, I don't think using remotes in different countries would be permitted even under the most liberal interpretation of the new ARRL DXCC rules. As far as I know, for example, using the RHR site in
Another good example was D4B's 160 meter inverted-V Yagi that was setup near the edge of the bluff at the "Monteverde" contest site (now D4C). Al put in an incredible topband signal into the west coa
I am trying to compose an email to a Russian speaking ham in Eastern Europe (Kaliningrad) about a Topband QSO from several years ago. I composed the letter with Google Translate and was wondering if
Thanks to all who replied with generous offers to help with the translation to Russian. I have received the assistance I needed. Happy New Year to All ! 73, Mike W4EF............ On 12/25/2017 9:31 P
Hi Ray, I have a 55ft tall aluminum tubing vertical for 160 meters which is center loaded with an inductor and top loaded with 4 sloping wires. At the top of the tubing vertical I have a yard arm mad