I tried calling CQ on CW at around midnight local (0800z) this morning and worked JE1CTM, G3PQA, G3OQT, and G3OLB in succession all with good signals into Southern California. This came after an abso
Hi Jim, From the P3 manual:/ / /"The dsPIC further processes the signal for presentation on the 480x272-pixel color TFT LCD display. The "circuitry" shown inside the processor box in the block diagra
Hi Jim, When I lived in Melbourne Florida, I had an 920 KHz AM station with a four tower array a short distance from my house (I forget the exact distance, it was probably on order of 1/2 mile). The
Steve, Does the switch produce an S9 spike on any transition of the switch (i.e. from position N to position N+/-1) or only on a certain subset of switch transitions? That might provide a clue as to
I am glad to hear T88WA is not at the hotel club station. The club station has a low dipole on 160 which in the past has made a poor showing. I managed to get a response from P29RO on 160 meter FT8 o
Thanks for pointing this out, Wes. I went back a re-read the primer on using "hound" mode in a less sleep-deprived state (still sleep deprived, but not nearly as much). Sure enough it describes how t
I spent all morning calling T88WA on 160CW FT8. They responded to my call twice in a row in the wee hours of the morning when their signal strength was modest (~R -15), but I never saw the "RR73", me
I had an interesting experience along these lines back in 2006 for the CQ WW 160 CW contest. Following the lead of K6SE and others, I got permission from the Bureau of Land Management to operate from
There was a decent opening from here in Southern California to Europe on Saturday night around 0500 UTC that lasted approximately two and a half hours. Over the course of the opening, I heard station
Interestingly, conditions on the west coast seemed pretty good this morning around our sunrise. I was able to decode HS5NMF between -8 and -5 and 9M6NA got as high as +1. I suspect both could have be
Remember, Steve, for a given frequency more capacitance equals less capacitive reactance [Xc = 1/(2*pi*f*c)]. At 1825 KHz, 5300 pf is only 16.5 ohms reactance. That means you are only offsetting a sm
There was an insanely good opening from here in Southern California to Europe this evening (Sunday UTC) starting around 0600 UTC. It lasted a little over 15 minutes. Signals were Q5 and stations came
ZL3IO spotted me Saturday night (Sunday UTC) at 0728 UTC, but I never heard him call me. If he did call me, it could be that I had my SAL-30 pointed NE at the time. It doesn't have the greatest RDF,
People are driven by different things. For instance, I would be lying if I claimed I wasn't competitively driven. And I can tell you that at points in my life it has caused me to "lose perspective".
Yes, it think it is possible to compete with yourself even in a sport like boxing. The point is that not everyone is going to be Mike Tyson or Mohammad Ali. That doesn't mean that you don't strive to
Since reclassifying 160 DXCC totals to exclude FT8 would be terribly unfair to those who submitted FT8 confirmations toward DXCC in good faith, it seems like a possible solution would be to add provi
Yeah, I suppose you could do that for "N-band DXCC" as well. It already exists for DXCC Honor Roll tallies. 73, Mike W4EF................. On 2/19/2024 3:32 PM, Steve Harrison wrote: On 2/19/2024 3:2
When we tried operating in 160 meter contests from W6UE in Pasadena, it was amusing to see the packet spots complaining about how deaf we were. We were running a full size flat-top dipole at 90 feet.
I just occurred to me that my description of the receive situation at W6UE is backwards. The 160 meter flat top dipole improved the 80 meter receive noise floor from really deaf to pretty deaf. On 16
In the case of that 160 meter dipole it was almost always better as a receive antenna for 80 meters. It was better at rejecting ferocious local QRN than the 80 meter inverted-V. Absolute signal level