Ashton, thanks. I DO have EZNEC and know how to use it pretty well (that is to say, I have used it to provide what-if results for antennas that are a bit more complex than a simple dipole..... like 4
Brad, *I* say.... GOOD, let them kill AM broadcast and give the band to US..... we will put it to good use.... he he he he. Plus, since so many people have AM broadcast receivers, it will be like aut
All..... herein lies THE major problem with putting the digital guys elsewhere. JT-65 (and others of that ilk) are NOT ragchew modes. They are really only useful for award chasing since what is sent
Herb, I don't disagree, especially with the Carib because I have so little sailing experience in those waters. I am a PAC Sailor, when I am able. Even in the Navy, I only did a single Med Cruise befo