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Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. Topband: FCC HF actions (score: 241)
Author: bob at (Bob Henderson)
Date: Tue Mar 4 08:25:51 2003
It is a little alarming to note this chart shows the R1 allocation on 160m as 1810-1850 kHz only. Is there a plan afoot to reduce the current 1810 - 2000 kHz allocation in Region 1? Bob 5B4AGN, P3F
/archives//html/Topband/2003-03/msg00005.html (8,094 bytes)

2. Topband: Good conditions (score: 241)
Author: bob at (Bob Henderson)
Date: Thu Mar 6 06:54:24 2003
Good conditions on 160 this morning despite QRN crashes from local storm and at times very heavy rain static. I am pleased to have got 70 US/VE calls in the log, though sadly nothing from 6 & 7 call
/archives//html/Topband/2003-03/msg00016.html (6,320 bytes)

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