Hello Topbanders! Two years ago, I found a broadband preamp in the swap area at Dayton, and I've only just gotten around to seeing how well it works. It seems this is a little jewel, with a very low
My experience loading 100 feet of Rohn 25G on top band fits with what's being reported here about loading shunt-fed towers. At one point, I decided to lower the resonant frequency of my tower by conn
When you model a "hat" on a tower, the angle at which you hang the hat is very important. Straight down--no effect. Straight out 90 degrees--maximum effect. Somewhere in between, say 45 degrees, some
"Just wondering what effective measures anyone has discovered to avoid this problem...." Don, The TO-220 termination resistor on one of my Beverages was blown to pieces in a storm a few weeks ago. Al
"I wonder if anyone can offer opinions on the advantages that vertically polarized antennas have over horizontals on 160M related to geomagnetic Earth absortion?" Tom, There's an excellent discussion
"I fear that Ulli has it pretty much right. Sounds like PLC will be a disaster in city environments, and possibly even in some suburbs." "...ham radio is increasingly threatened on all fronts by the
"...the UK is really up-front in having proposed the so-called N-30 rule..." "In the shortwave sprectrum the PLC-lines must not radiate a field more than about 50uV@50Ohm measured in a distance of 3m
"There is nothing wrong with being paranoid when there actually is a crowd behind you with torches and pitchforks and they are gaining on you... :o) "Metaphorically, this is the situation of ham radi
"Ever consider for Beverage antenna supports the 2" permanently-installed vacuum cleaner line available at Home Depot and others? It is grey poly-something, a perfect fit over "T" fence posts, comes
I'm a little surprised that in the discussion of improvements for the current crop of transceivers no one mentioned that the S-meters could use a little work too. The radios that have "digital" S-met
Peter, The power companies in central Texas have a tank truck with a high-pressure spray that they can direct at insulators on the 100 KV and 500 KV lines. They've used it several times on lines runn