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Total 85 documents matching your query.

21. TopBand: H40, 3D2, fishing et al (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1998 10:10:58 -0700
Quite a comedy this morning. (Much stronger signal from H40). 3D2WC/R on 1828 with lots of callers on 1831 or so. H40AA on 1826.7 with callers on 1833. By 1353Z both DX stns working JA, but zero beat
/archives//html/Topband/1998-04/msg00079.html (6,862 bytes)

22. TopBand: FO0FR (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 11:48:53 -0700
Friday morning: FO0FR appeared briefly on 1824 at 1209Z, called VE3IY/7 twice, heard nothing, and all was quiet again. Solid 559 signal. 100% copy on SSB from VK8RC/4 and VK4CWT around 1140Z. VE7BS -
/archives//html/Topband/1998-04/msg00235.html (6,713 bytes)

23. TopBand: WA4FFW/NH1 Monday (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 10:15:11 -0800
Out of a band that seemed to have had nothing on it but VE1ZZ and the ZL GPS, WA4FFW/NH1 called CQ on 1826 at 1059Z. He worked a 0 and three or four west coasters, then after calling CQ for a while w
/archives//html/Topband/1998-03/msg00144.html (6,814 bytes)

24. TopBand: elevated radials (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 1998 16:17:32 -0800
Here's one reader that's not falling asleep. I'm only too pleased to 'read the mail' on the technical part of the argument, while rather afraid the administrator may have to remonstrate about the per
/archives//html/Topband/1998-03/msg00151.html (8,221 bytes)

25. TopBand: 5W0VV (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 08:33:28 -0800
Well he was there on time (1200) and on frequency (1824) and the chatter on 1823 had quietened down. He worked a few through the QRM of callers zero beat, then went to 1828 and after a few minutes wi
/archives//html/Topband/1998-03/msg00297.html (7,023 bytes)

26. TopBand: RE: unnecessary repetition (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 16:01:02 -0800
Before email we somehow got along without sending back a photocopy of the complete received message. A line here and there is enough, as the sender knows what was sent. I find the unnecessary repeti
/archives//html/Topband/1998-03/msg00316.html (7,104 bytes)

27. TopBand: 9M0C (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 07:52:44 -0800
This morning Thursday 9M0C said sorry to all those calling, their Rx antenna is not up yet and they have QRN 20 dB over 9 on the vertical. They worked several 6, 7 and VE7 with difficulty, peaked her
/archives//html/Topband/1998-02/msg00135.html (7,266 bytes)

28. TopBand: This morning (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 13:01:22 -0800
He was there Tree, but not so strong. Crawled out of nowhere at 1450Z, was 559 by 1457 calling JA. Tried calling USA at 1503, but only responder was W7KCD. 73 de VE7BS -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.cont
/archives//html/Topband/1998-02/msg00194.html (6,515 bytes)

29. TopBand: Japan Lowband Contest (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 10:43:48 -0800
The following may be of interest to anyone who played in the JA Lowband contest Jan 9-11. It was in the acknowledgment of the 160 log I sent by e-mail. See also The JIDX ftp site
/archives//html/Topband/1998-01/msg00107.html (6,883 bytes)

30. TopBand: BY1QH (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 07:07:22 -0800
Excellent here too, but quit at 1433Z while still building. Pity he listens only exactly 2 up. 73 de VE7BS -- FAQ on WWW: Submissions: A
/archives//html/Topband/1998-01/msg00136.html (7,901 bytes)

31. TopBand: BY1QH Monday (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 09:47:53 -0800
The pack was in full cry when I switched on the rig before 1400Z today 19 Jan. BY1QH was solid here from then until about 1520Z when he was still calling CQ as he slipped into long QSB. (My sunrise 1
/archives//html/Topband/1998-01/msg00196.html (6,697 bytes)

32. TopBand: Thursday on 1827 (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 11:49:13 -0800
1500Z or so on 1827 kHz VK9NS was calling 8Q7AA (who I could not find), then was joined by VK3AJJ on the same quest, then at 1543 ZL2JR popped up briefly and worked someone, presumably the 8Q7. VK9NS
/archives//html/Topband/1998-01/msg00247.html (6,604 bytes)

33. TopBand: JA split in the window (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 11:01:43 -0800
That's a very good point Dan, and not only during contests, as stns responding to the JA often fire up on the QSX frequency without first checking for activity there. It was better years ago when th
/archives//html/Topband/1998-01/msg00321.html (6,854 bytes)

34. TopBand: VS6DO (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 11:37:29 -0800
That's true of most stations in a big city. But I remember one morning well after sunrise comparing notes with a W6 when VS6DO broke in on the QSO and we had a three-way. And relative to Earl's comm
/archives//html/Topband/1997-12/msg00221.html (7,071 bytes)

35. TopBand: stratwarm?? (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 10:27:49 -0800
Lance: Wow! This morning hearing YB1 and SM and OH and AL7 and the ZL GPS stn all at the same time! Maybe stratwarm means something after all. 1827.6 SM4HCM 23 DEC 1997 1520Z 529 1829.4 YB1AQS 23 DEC
/archives//html/Topband/1997-12/msg00279.html (6,831 bytes)

36. TopBand: 5R8EY (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 1997 10:43:41 -0800
I agree completely. If it's relevant to 160, let's see it. 73 de VE7BS -- FAQ on WWW: Submissions: Administrative requests: topband-REQU
/archives//html/Topband/1997-11/msg00103.html (6,734 bytes)

37. TopBand: VK9LX (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 09:31:22 -0800
After three frustrating mornings getting up at three a.m. and hearing VK9LX weak but crystal clear for hours, my XYL says "Relax, you don't need another card from there surely." So I get up this morn
/archives//html/Topband/1997-11/msg00410.html (7,673 bytes)

38. TopBand: N4BQW/KH5 (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 10:58:52 -0700
Weak signal from N4BQW/KH5 from about 1420Z on 1827.2 working on frequency and hearing very well. Peaked 579 before my sunrise (1448) but was still clg CQ with no takers after my sunrise. 73 de VE7BS
/archives//html/Topband/1997-10/msg00373.html (6,514 bytes)

39. TopBand: 9m8tg (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 17:23:39 -0700
Lance: 1824.0 9M8TG 25 OCT 1997 1433Z QSX only JA Nice signal to about 1446Z but working only JA. The 1817 and 1819 GPS stations were very strong this morning, but no sign of ZL7AA. 73 de VE7BS -- FA
/archives//html/Topband/1997-10/msg00397.html (6,438 bytes)

40. TopBand: VK9WM (score: 1)
Author: (Bob Eldridge)
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 11:06:02 -0700
Wayne: The VK9 was good copy here this morning from 1322 to 1341 running the JAs. VK5RD and two Ws called him on his freq but nd. VK6VZ and VK6HD were good a few minutes earlier. It will be hard goin
/archives//html/Topband/1997-09/msg00176.html (7,470 bytes)

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