I am experimenting with a small one meter square loop. It is 5 turns of with 50 ohm coax. Using air variable cap to resonate the 5 turn loop. I have it setup in my basement on a tripod with small TV
I am experimenting with a small one meter square loop. It is 5 turns of with 50 ohm coax. Using air variable cap to resonate the 5 turn loop. I have it setup in my basement on a tripod with small TV
I built it in one evening using two pieces of scrap 1x3 lumber for spreaders. I pounded in four large wire staples to hold the wire to the spreaders and threaded both loops through them. The five wir
I made some signal to noise measurements last night between my short BOG and LOOP. Local (100-300 miles away) cw signals. The Loop, which is still living in my basement, is within 3DB of the BOG. I w
I've been copying strange 4 character cw messages between 1.975 - 1.985 at approx. 0835Z for the past few days. Characters groups include 4HAE, PEA2, AJL2, 4EKI, AHD9. Signals are fairly weak. Anyone
Yep, indeed it is! Now to figure out where they are coming from? Hi Hi. Thanks Mike. _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
I'm the guy in MD with the 140 foot BOG. Mike is correct. My BOG works good on 160, better on 80, and best on 40. Very low noise levels with improved snr on all 3 bands. I feed it with cheap quad shi
Max, I just installed a 350 foot BOG which makes several dog legs. It is very quiet and works well on 80 & 40 meters. On 160 it is good for noise reduction but is not directional at all. I am now in
Hi Guys, I will be installing my new Hi-Z 2-3 RX antenna this coming weekend. I live on a small quarter acre lot in Maryland so I expect a few challenges and compromises. I would like to hear from ot
Bryan, I use the DX Engineering RTR-1 Receive Antenna Interface with my old TS-820S and it works great. I use the PTT line to control the RTR-1. It has very fast switching and a very convenient front
Steve, I have an inverted L with 32 feet vertical and then 96 feet horizontal leg. The horizontal leg runs southeast and slopes from 32 down to 10 feet at the last 15 feet of its run. The antenna is
Thanks to all who replied! I recognized many of your calls from previous contests and QSO's. I will be working the upcoming CQ 160 contest and hope to grab a few more states that I need. Hopefully a
Guys, I'm adding more wire to my ground system and want to ask your opinion on the way I want to do it. Take a look at the bottom of my QRZ page for a rough picture of my ground system idea. Is it ok
I'm looking at a Amp Supply LK-500ZC amplifier. It has the QSK board installed. I will use it on 160,80 and 40. However, I would like to know if this amp has any issues on 160 as I will primarily be
I am currently working with the Potomac Edison power company to locate the source of strong power line noise in Point of Rocks, MD (FM19fg) Tech has been to my QTH and has taken samples of the noise
Mike, N1MM is a very nice and powerful contest logger that will do the contests you are interested in and many more. It is well documented and relatively easy to get the basics working without a stee
Jim, I have the Hi-Z three element array spaced at 50 feet. You dont need to use radials with them. Just a 4 foot ground rod at the base of each vertical is all Hi-Z recommends. - Joe N3HEE -- Origin
I moved my 160 inverted L to a tall tree in my backyard to get more vertical height. The vertical leg is now about 65 feet and the rest (65feet) is horizontal. I fed this one with about 125 feet of 7
Mike, The antenna feed point terminates at a four foot ground rod and then I am running a number 14 wire from that ground rod to my existing radial field. That run is about 40 feet. The radial field