Rick, For the HPF option, see this: http://www.ac0c.com/main/page_antennas__homebrew_clifton_labs_z10022a.html 73, Jeff ACØC www.ac0c.com Hi all, I recently built a sheilded RX loop for 160 per N6RKs
Cebik was one of the antenna greats. Co author of the ARRL antenna handbook for some time. And a lot of his work is preserved with free access (you need to create a login though) on the cebik.com web
Brian, Look higher up in the bands (more true on the higher HF bands) - generally the speeds are lower there. 73, Jeff ACØC www.ac0c.com Brian There are also opportunities the next three weeks to hon
The flavour of the comments seems to be distilled as - the rules make it so we (west coast) cannot realistically win - so we may as well not come and play. Huh? There are a lot of contests that favo
Phase noise is generated by the rig's LO and exists as a more broad band low level signal. Issue is more significant with modern day DDS than with older analog-type VFO sources. Guys who operate fiel
Greg, Yes, that's correct. Thanks for the fix. Been a long week. 73/jeff/ac0c www.ac0c.com alpha-charlie-zero-charlie Jeff, I suspect that you mean modern day synthesisers rather than specifically DD
Paul, K8ZOA makes exactly what you want. I have tested it on the bench here and it puts the hammers of hell on the BC stuff. Far better than my W3NQN set does. The filter has 90 db of attenuation on
Would not each one remain 100 ohms? If the analysis is correct, they are in parallel and that does not add linearly based on the individual wire values as would a series connection. 73/jeff/ac0c www.
The fundamental problem with this 2wire box (and the uVerse system and similar types) is that it uses the entire low HF spectrum for transmission. The system is - by design - a receiver across the 16
Im cooking up my first 4-square using a set of elevated radials. Is there a consensus on what the optimal way of laying out the radial pattern is? If the radials are spread out on the 0/90/180/270 po
Gentlemen, thanks for the offline comments. And yes, I do understand and agree that more radials leads to less individual radial dependence. NL's QEX articles show that in the graphs which is very in
Update on this project. The guy doing my brush cutting has an auger attachment so putting down holes will be easy. That opens the door to sticking another 4 poles out on the corners. That would allow
I am considering installing one of these hi-z or DXE buffered-type receiving 4-square arrays for 160/80. The best place on the property is on the north west corner - in a location about 400 from the
Tom, Having fought (and lost) a battle of harmonics from an environmental unintended mixer at the last QTH, I really can feel trouble with that blasted fence. The good news is that the transmit anten
I have the same issues here. And the similar observation - filtering before the preamp of some kind is needed. Regarding Steve's solution below, an alternative is available from K8ZOA Jack Smith. 9th
As Brad suggests, the article by N6LF in QEX debunks a ton of traditional lore. Especially regarding height above ground and length. That article seems THE place to start for anyone considering an el
Some of the applications on the CD have 16-bit wrappers - meaning they won't run under Win7x64. If you have Win7x32, it is fine. So it depends on which flavor of Win7 you have. The alternative for x6
Depends on the method used to provide the conductivity. If it's carbon black filled, the shrinking is goin g to push the molecules of the carbon black closer together and that results in a net decrea
What is the preferred method of tuning elevated radials for uniformity? I realize you can measure the lengths, try to get uniform heights, etc so that you match the model as close as possible. Howeve
Thanks Dan, very excellent stuff (as you always do!!!). Your observation of the large shift in currents with small changes in length is exactly the problem I am concerned with. And the N6LF data show