Some of that data for two types of coils is on my web page at, it might give you some idea of what you are looking for and some of the things you must cons
Some of that data for two types of coils is on my web page at, it might give you some idea of what you are looking for and some of the things you must cons
That used to be a big problem for cable tv companies that used hardline with copper center conductors. The coefficient of expansion of the copper was more than the aluminum shield and the copper woul
I'll agree with that, whats the purpose of limiting multi-op?? whats the daytime operator supposed to do now?? David Robbins K1TTT e-mail: web: AR-Cluster n
That's not why I schedule a daytime operator! Or why I do it myself if no one else is around. David Robbins K1TTT e-mail: web: AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or
These seem to be contradictory... in fact, the second one makes no sense by itself since the 'reverse beacon network' is not a device, it is a network like the packet/internet spotting network that
This gets to one of my big beefs with the cqww cw announcement also. The 'Reverse Beacon Network' is like a trademark for a specific service, it is NOT a generic description of a way to collect multi