That's all OK Ward but the guy on the other end will not get credit for the correct QSO. Not right also. I chose to mark the QSO as unclaimed as that hopefully will deal with it correctly? Lee K7TJR
Hmmmm, Writelog lets you think you have marked a QSO as unclaimed when you ask it to export a Cabrillo file. Thanks for the update Tree. Lee K7TJR _________________ Topband Reflector Archives - http:
When we at Hi-Z see deterioration it is often the output cable running to the receiver where the typical aluminum shield no longer makes great contact. Also if it's one of the Hi-Z Antennas amplifier
Greetings All, I am afraid I have to take issue with you Wolf. And this may be a clue. I also have experienced echoes on 160 meters. Maybe it depends on longitude or latitude or something like that.
Hello All JC, Greg knows quite a bit about receiving on 160 meters as he has had a Hi-Z 8 element array for some years now. Actually he has done quite well with it. Especially when he was neighbors w
Good morning all, What I can tell you about the two antennas for 160 meter receiving is that as many have said before, you cannot have too many receiving antennas for 160 meters. Before Dale N4NN bec
Greetings Topband antenna guys, As a manufacturer of shortened vertical element receiving antennas, I have been asked the question about sloping ground many times. It occurred to me one day that I co
Grant, and others. It is sort of possible to filter high impedance type RX 4-squares. The source impedance of a 2 foot long 1 inch dia. tubing vertical is a few ohms resistance depending on the groun
You guys should have been around for the AM versus SSB discussions/wars without the use of the instant communication internet. Oh my, Lee K7TJR _________________ Topband Reflector Archives - http://w
Hello Tim and all. The input impedance of the W7IUV amp is also highly dependent on the negative feedback found by looking at the unbypassed base bias circuit. And highly dependent on the size of the
I have also seen big openings here in Oregon just prior to a big solar event. If I recall correctly it was when I worked the A4 which is huge from the Pacific Northwest. Lee K7TJR _________________ T
Hello All, I may not have seen all of the posts on this topic but will comment anyway. Two things come to mind about this noise. Number one is you do not want to connect the shield of the coax going
Mike and others, Those signals are NOT fishnet beacons. They are as one here said a version of a navigation system similar to Hyperfix. The reason you hear three "dings" Is that there are three trans
For any that are interested there is now even a Hyperfix wiki page where you can hear a spot on recording of this system. The loudest one here is near 1813KHz.
Hello Frank and All, First you must tell us what you are expecting to make better with a Hi-Z array. Do you want Better front to back? Do you want Front to side? Do you want better signal to noise ra
Jimmy Sullivan W7EJ (SK) had a rotary dipole up for 160 meters at his CN2R station. You can still see the antenna as his CN2R site is still up. It came down in a wind storm in 2009, and I have no rea
Hello Jeff, All those things you mention are great but times they are changing. You would be well advised if you find an interesting place to do a noise survey on and near the property. And consider
Hello Martin and all, The 2N3553 device was plagued with a low Ft (high at its introduction) making it mostly a low frequency device with questionable high gain high frequency use in typical ham prea
Thanks Tony, Agreed the 2N5109 will be around for a long time however as you point out they are or will be very expensive. At present I use 100's of 2N3866 transistors which are very close to the sam
Greetings Top Banders, Well we cant all agree on a 4X transformer primary rule. It depends on what you want to do with the transformer. In this case a Beverage for 630 meters. Driving on with the 4X