Most of you know where my heart is on this one. And there are some good suggestions for keeping the old school modes vibrant. While good intentioned, the idea of splitting up the DXCC award is going
The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) is pleased to present the following Webinar. Date - Tuesday, February 13 Time - 19:00 UTC Registration -
Thanks to Jukka, OH6LI, for his very informative Webinar. The event recording, presentation slides, and Excel spreadsheet used can be found on the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) at htt
Seems like this is a matter of personal preference, where our individual interest lies, and what motivates us to operate. Some of you may know my attempts to activate XW on the lowbands these past fe
Greetings - I thought I would share a few comments from the recently concluded visit with friends at the Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society and our ET3YOTA (Youth On The Air) celebration. Its been awhil
Several months ago I was asked by the League for a segment of one of my DX-pedition logs. I assume it was for this, but I don't know that for a fact. Times are changing. There are more ways than ever
Hi Gang - I was fortunate to be part of the HS0ZAR M/2 team for CQWW DX CW. I arrived at the station on Tuesday afternoon, hoping the days leading up to the contest a couple of us would be able to ha
Hi Henk - we are using an 18 meter Spiderpole at ET3AA. It supports a wire, using a Unadilla 80 meter trap (no longer in production), so that it works on both 80 and 160 meters. I found while using t
A couple of issues I see. It depends which direction(s) the noise and desired signal are coming from. You may null the noise and signal. Also, the loop is bi-directional. I've been playing with a DX
I don't wish to drag this debate out any longer than necessary, but some credit is due the League and the DXCC desk. I was contacted some time back asking for a section of one of my DX logs. I gave t
I would favor using an inductor. Tune it for the lowest part of the band. Then using a relay or two, you can short out turns if you want to move higher in the band. Although I think you will find usi
We installed an 18 meter Spider Pole at ET3AA, which supports a wire Inverted L for 80 and 160. It blows around pretty good at times. While I don't discount Jim's experience, it's been up for 2 plus
Congratulations to Steve Babcock, VE6WZ, who received the Yasme Excellence Award for his contribution to the art of lowband antennas and remote operating. Steve has made available to the amateur comm
Areas of my yard have a lot of stone. Six inch staples were a pain to use. Four inch worked better, in case you have similar soil. Also, if you are going to install a bunch of them, do yourself a fav
webSDR's are really fun to play with and great for testing purposes. But you can bet the mortgage they are also being used for other less than honorable purposes, especially on our beloved Topband. I
Club call. Ken K4ZW test.I called CQ, not much RBN spots but I made a hand full QSOs.KC1XX, N2KW, W1OP, W1FV, K4NA.Condx were really bad, but it was possible to work NA from EU.Monday the first teamm
Greetings Topbanders - earlier this week I returned from a trip to Ethiopia and some time at ET3AA. There are a couple of things I wanted to pass along. The RBN is working again and is now monitoring