I want to supplement my transmitting antennas with the most useful low-noise low-band receiving antennas possible that I can put up in dense forest and with extremely challenging topography. My qth a
Hi Jim, Can you please post a link to the announcement that they are leaving for 3Y0I in two days? (Dec. 15) Their December 1 posting on DX World indicates that Fiji is open but does not say anything
Hi Jim, I google searched again for 3Y0I - and none of the announcements (Dec 1, Aug 19 and Aug 18) on DX News and DX maps and other sites said anything about a Dec 15, 2021 date. The only place that
Correct Jamie. That is apparently the current info. Any prior posts about a December 15th sailing deadline were moot months ago and apparently have since been altered/removed. Both DX News and DX Map
Jeff said it so well. I wish you all the best too and look forward to working you again when it is possible to do so. 73 Bob, KQ2M Hey Very sad news. From today, amateur radio stations in Ukraine are
Hi Roger, I monitor solar weather regularly and over the past 6 weeks there have been lots of C and M class Solar flares with an X class flare thrown in. Between all the flares, CME's and Radio storm
On Tuesday I heard but could not work VK6IR, but I did work VK6GX on Thursday for my first zone 29 qso on 160 since VK6HD about 3 decades ago. My antenna is a modest 160 Inv L with elevated radials.
Hi Dave, Having done one-man DXpeditions myself to non-rare countries when I was a lot younger, as well as being the first to put the new "Status Aparte" country of Aruba on the air in January 1986,
That's a GREAT update Steve, thank you for posting it. P29RO has done an excellent job all around. 73 Bob, KQ2M DXpedition Papua New Guinea P29RO - 2022 - News <https://p29ro.mydx.de/?News> 73 - Stev
Hi Ron, The wrong call sign spotting and "run of dupes" happens a few times a year to me. The tipoff is that a bunch of guys that you worked within the past hour try to work you again on the same ban
In 1990 I was visiting Antigua (V2) for 2 weeks. I had a Butternut HF6V with 160 coil and I mounted it on a 3' piece of copper pipe in a secluded part of the beach near the rocks about 2' above the w
Dave, I feel your pain. I have had similar situations in Western, CT in 2011, 2012 and then again in 2014. During CQWWSSB in 2011 we got a freak snowstorm starting with temps at 34F and then falling
Hi Roger, We currently have a combination of elevated A and K indices, an X class flare within the past 24 hours and we are 2 years into Cycle 25 with higher levels of SFI, SSN and absorption. Disapp
Why do you say that? We had far more flares in 2022 than in 2021 and I expect more flaring in 2023 than 2022. And it is not just the frequency of the flaring that has increased, it is also the intens
Hi Roger, 160 is notoriously unpredictable, possibly even more so than any other HF band except maybe 10 M. Sometimes just before a flare 160 cndx may be enhanced, and I have even seen some instances
Fabulous explanation - Thank you Frank! 73 Bob, KQ2M 160 meter DX propagation is often badly affected by nighttime propagation degradations, especially as Solar Cycle 25 becomes much more active from
Good cndx no surprise - the K index dropped to 0 for a few hours and then stayed at k=1. TN8K was audible here for several hours in and out, with long and deep fades but peaking briefly ~ 569, and de
Thanks for posting that article Patrick. Another HUGE factor is the Bz - as Bz drops below zero, the Earth's interplantary magnetic field orients South and becomes more susceptible to energetic parti
The ground under the TX antenna is salt-water. No radials. 73, George Hi George, Thank you for the 80 cw qso at 0921z this morning - you were a solid 589 in CT! Unfortunately I missed you on Tuesday
While the idea of using a remote to work challenging DX on 160 or other bands had never occurred to me prior to reading about it on these reflectors a few years ago, there is of course the simplest s