Fortunately, it is not true with short ground mounted monopole antennas. In order for the skywave to exceed the groundwave, the monopole needs to be longer than half wave (somewhere in the area exce
Ground losses effect skywave radiation to the same extent as they effect groundwave radiation thus measurement of groundwave at short distances is the preferred means of determining EIRP as it takes
Anyone know the skin depth of earth at 1.8 and 3.5MHz and how that might impact a BOG buried three to six inches? Local soil is "very poor" mostly sand. 73, ... Joe, W4TV ____________________________
Purely on a logical basis there are two factors working against the (sparse) elevated radials on 160 meters vs. 40 meters. First the 160 meter radial system is 1/4 as high in terms of wavelength than
Worked VP8ANT DXCC ANTARCTICA (13) Date 1982-01-30 Mode CW (CW) Band 160M 73, ... Joe, W4TV _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
Jim is slightly optimistic. The "nominal" audio frequency for the JT65A software is 1270.5 Hz and the "window" is +/- 1000 Hz (see: pg 35, JT65-hf-setup.pdf distributed with the JT65HF package by W6
Bird make HF (H) elements at 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000 and 10000 Watts. Finding the 5, 10, or 25 Watt elements new may be a trick as they are only produced infrequently. Several
Only in the US. Limits vary by country with some as high as 5KW others as low as 400W. 73, ... Joe, W4TV _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
Guy, I don't think you mean the FCP does not radiate - it radiates in such a way as to balance the fields in the lossy medium (soil). Remember, it is the *net* field - not the individual fields - tha
Bill simply did not understand the difference between antenna feed impedance and radiation resistance. A folded dipole or folded unipole is no different than a conventional radiator with an N:1 UN-U
While JT65 and PSK operation may not be where you would prefer to place them, the US "digital" bandplan is completely useless in much of the rest of the world. In the most basic terms, digital modes
No, the problem is that Americans still believe in the fiction of "priority for international QSOs". This means that New England will be working their local Europeans while Caribbean to Alaska, W7, V
There are significant differences between "verticals on the beach" and verticals (including vertical dipoles) over real ground. Google for "pseudo Brewster Angle" and see the differences between the
That is 1/4 wave separation - not half-wave. One half wave on 80 is roughly 139 feet (984/3.55/2 = 138.6 feet). Since you are using 1/4 wave spacing and a PVS-2 (which is a quadrature device if I re
That changes things ... Seems to me you have two options ... feed them in phase which provides a bidirectional pattern *broadside* or feed them out of phase which provides a bidirectional pattern *e
Simply because the ratio of voltage varies along the feedline if the SWR is anything other than a perfect 1:1. The feedline length and SWR for your inverted L was probably just right to put a high vo
Herb, On 11/30/2012 1:09 PM, Herb Schoenbohm wrote: Thanks for the comments Ron. For some reason I just can't think of how in a 160 meter international contest that if you work KH6 you get no additio
I disagree with you ... the Advisory Committees have no independent advisory role and have generally not been permitted to gather and evaluate input on topics other than the narrow issues assigned b
That doesn't mean that the CAC under WC1M's leadership didn't do an exemplary job of thinking through the implications and coming up with solid, serviceable language for use in contest rules. All tha
A local skimmer is only assistance in the same way that having a computer call CQ or send a report instead of having another operator call CQ or send a report is "assisted". Successful contesting co