My suspicion is that some taper does occur in air wound loading coils at Yep, and I think this issue is quite interesting. There's this paper by Corum and Corum, Reference [1] on ON4AA's inductor cal
I made a plot this evening that might be of some interest. It started with an EZNEC model (pretty sure one that originated with W5DXP) of a loaded antenna that shows a clear, large current taper. The
Leaving the conductivity at 1mS/m and changing only the permittivity from 10 to 80 in a NEC-2 model of a 160m quarterwave over 20 78 foot radials gives a big boost to the low angle radiation. About 4
The radiation resistance over soil is different than the radiation resistance over perfect earth. The radiation resistance depends on the number, length, and type of radials too: http://www.antennas
I had a bad mix on 1830kHz for a while that would FADE in and out. Well one night it got really awful and started bursting up to S7 or S8. I listened to it on AM and heard the familiar pinging of CH
One workaround is to use some other software for plotting. I've used GNU Octave and EZNEC's near field table to make plots of the total field at finite distances: I'
I was playing around with an AM receiver in the back yard and I found I didn't even need a signal generator. My vertical has a shunt coil to ground so AM broadcast energy has a path to the radials a
Is it right that this was with radials significantly longer than 1/4 wave, like close to 3/4 wavelength? _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
I don't know about further out where you'd have to proof an AM station but I just ran some models and there's kind of a weird relationship between vertical electric field strength at 1 wavelength ou
Anny Info vy welcome I have been happy with my half size flag. Measured patterns shown at I think if I lived in a very low noise location it might not have QUITE en