The counterpoise needs to be bare wire with separators at 4-6 inches for the separation. We have tried making the counterpoise with 450 ohm window line, which came up lossy. Operations improved with
Bill, Instructions for creating a drawing of the basic configuration: 160 only, no tuning inductors or capacitors. Tuning after construction by adjusting the length of the top of the L. Start in the
Just a word on ferrite beads, and other kinds of baluns. Trust us, if it could be done wrong, we blew it, if it could burn, we burned it, if it could be cracked, we shattered it, if it couldn't stand
No need to dig up existing stuff to keep from affecting the FCP. Deal with existing radials according to your needs and common sense. They might help some, though there certainly is no proof of that.
Steve, the length of the wire is your choice, with consequences in the tuning realm. The simple solution is to only use the wire on 160, and VARY THE LENGTH of the wire to achieve a minimum SWR or ze
The Inv L over a very dense, excellent radial field will have a feed Z of in the neighborhood of 20 or so ohms, NOT 50. It usually requires a unun to bring it up to 50. When you first put it up, your
The orientation of the FCP relative to the L's horizontal wire doesn't matter. It's folds are designed to self-cancel fields. This works both ways. The induction from an L horizontal into the 5/16 FC
First, read my reply to W1FMR. Then interspersed. The 20 bifilar turns of teflon sleeved #14 uses ALL the winding space available on the 1.94" inside diameter of a T300 form factor. 1.25 inside diame
Looking at this in the afternoon light, need some corrections in places: _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
The FCP is a single band solution. You can use an existing antenna, instead of the "simple solution" tune and prune for resonance, but then you have to supply your own separate method of getting to r
Stick with the T300A-2 and twenty bifilar turns if you want the inductive residual of the isolation transformer to mirror the capacitive residual of the folded counterpoise for the "simple" installat
What I want to put out about signing /QRP in a contest.... First, I ALREADY know you are weak and I'm going to have to work hard to get you in the log. I WANT to work weak QRPers because there is a g
Even if the beam is "insulated" from the mast or boom, any device insulating the support members of the antenna should be bypassed at these points: 1) Mast to Boom. 2) boom to longest elements farthe
For those building an isolation transformer for a 160M 5/16 FCP -- PLEASE READ! IMPORTANT! Martin has the right instincts, says it feels fishy for this. But it's worse than he thinks. And don't even
You may be right that Micrometals makes most of that stuff and sources Amidon. But these are the individual company product numbers and you have to use the company's own product numbers to order stuf
That's all well and good, but the closer one gets to the factory, the larger the minimum. And it sure does get interesting if you just want to buy one or two. I don't really care what Amidon is. They
Hi Rick, No magic. Just the right stuff, for the FCP, anyway. To your particulars, when Jerry Sevick measured various ferrites, he measured the lowest loss at mu=40. This was very low, as was the #2 _______________________________________________ UR
Hi Larry, For a tribander on a mast, just use one inch diameter conductor for the mast, the boom and the first and last 20 meter elements. For a 40 linear loaded 2 element, similarly model the mast,
listed with a frequency range that covers 160 meters (in some lists #2 is 2-30). You can rest assured Jerry Sevick had the list below. In his 160 meter comparison with #2 material, he tested 1,3,15