Sorry, ain't finished, but it will be along. Dunno what I hit that made it send. Tree, if you see it first, please pull it. 73, Guy. _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ...
Apologies for the incomplete first post. PART ONE -- Well, Cackle Fersus got up that morning and forever afterwards swore something was bent about the day. Nothing had seemed straight or screwed on a
PART TWO -- Finding the True Monopole was going to cost time and money, thought Cackle as he walked back down the steps. Was he still in his haint dream? Cackle mindlessly walked straight across the
My AT&T field guys had nothing particularly good to say about CAT5. And they also were very negative about putting ferrites. But they **WERE** correct about the ferrites causing additional errors whe
No doubt. But AT&T boys eat through spools of CAT5 like cake. I'm sure they have some kind of failure/cost of materials equation that they watch pretty closely. I thought that might be penny wise and
The problems with the 2-Wire corp's 3800 are that even WITH the degree of suppression afforded by twisted pair, if a 1.5 kW 160/80/40 signal (which is IN BAND to the 3800) is around, that the depth o
The CAT5 in question for the interference is the INPUT side of the gateway box. This is sometimes used from the loop termination on the side of the house somewhere to the gateway box. THAT was the CA
The answer to this one comes in several parts. Your antenna is composed of a "pole" (the up 40 and out 20) and a "counter-pole" (your elevated loaded radials). Power is DRIVEN into BOTH of these nece
PART THREE -- Cackle was sitting up in his bed, dreading going to sleep. "This is crazy," speaking aloud to no one else in the room. "None of this makes sense. None of this is worth losing sleep." Ca
PART FOUR -- Eventually he found a "monopole" that was a self-supporting tower fed with the feed coax shield attached near the ground, and the center conductor connected to a gamma match point up the
Unfortunately, and inconveniently, not to cast aspersions on anyone, BUT actual measurements in the Raleigh area showed that velocity factor of a wire laying on the ground and used for 160 meters wa
If the dirt underneath IS fairly uniform, then putting down equal lengths WILL work. Isn't the point to know whether that is true or not? It's not to not try anything. It's to try something that you
The 120 comes from the watershed 1937 Brown Lewis and Eppstein study now found in the IEEE journals. There were distinct characteristics to 120 times 0.4 wl (actually 115) that improved results even
Off top my head, it would seem the slant wire would work to create a directional effect of one sort or other, depending on the specifics, but I have no clue why the FCC dissed that one. They usually
Au contraire. We HAVE been building. What is different now is that we have affordable tools that Mssrs. Brown, Lewis and Epstein would surely drool over. The photographs in the study and some other r
Yes, FCP *was* originally designed to get small-lotters on top-band. My buddy Jack downsized and tore my heart out with his moaning about what he had done to his 160 results. But watch out when you s
Due to email conversations with a surprising number of folks not quite getting the "isolation transformer" part right, we have made some adjustments to the drawings on
One thing I specifically recall is that setting RX amps for maximum gain does NOT necessarily produce the best s/n. That depends on all kinds of complex stuff. These days some amps are set to work wi
We've had three contests in a row where Friday night 160 was really stinky. Will we have three in a row where Saturday night was a whole new deal? At least that long line of thunderstorms off shore t