No, both EZNEC and elementary physics show that an E-W dipole sloped 45 degrees radiates exactly equal amounts of both vertical and horizontal polarization in N and S directions with zero elevation,
1) With FT240-61: preferably at least 8 turns of a trifilar "cable"; connect all 3 wires in series (keeping connections short and close to the core); connect 50 Ohms to the "top" and the "bottom" lea
Unfortunately, not. As an EZNEC computation can show, even with a large number of elevated 90-degree radials, there can be a lot of common mode current, and balun requirements are much stronger than
Agree. Depending on circumstances, it's possible to get shield current almost as strong as the antenna current. 73, Sinisa YT1NT, VE3EA _______________________________________________ Topband mailin
I couldn't agree more with that. 73, Sinisa YT1NT, VE3EA _______________________________________________ Topband mailing list
Intercept Point values represent no real physical power. They are rather arbitrary numbers calculated from distortion measurement results. It is, therefore, perfectly possible to have such a large n
Reflections and SWR can be introduced at any interface. 73, Sinisa YT1NT, VE3EA _______________________________________________ Topband mailing list
Probably the first question to be asked when considering any electrical connection is "What a current is expected to flow there and with what a purpose?". I don't know the answer in this case, but ho
I'd avoid half slopers and any other kind of slopers. For short and medium distance work you couldn't do better than a simple properly fed Inverted-V dipole. Make the top angle as large as possible,
One way propagation is impossible in a linear and isotropic medium. But the medium where HF waves propagate is neither linear nor isotropic. Therefore, one way HF propagation IS possible, although pr
Tom, are you saying that the bandwidth is proportional to the diameter/length ratio? Isn't it proportional to the logarithm of the ratio? 73, Sinisa YT1NT, VE3EA _____________________________________
I'd like to ask about the feeding method used. Was the coax connected directly to the tower and radials? Was any common-mode-supressing device used? Was any attempt made to measure common-mode curren