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Total 9 documents matching your query.

1. Topband: BPL - What are YOU doing? (score: 188)
Author: smlx at (Steve Lawrence)
Date: Fri Aug 15 15:50:34 2003
And while you're taking the time to respond (see below), you might consider cutting a check to the League to fight this. The thousands of dollars you have invested in equipment and antennas certainly
/archives//html/Topband/2003-08/msg00080.html (9,329 bytes)

2. Topband: Fiji on 160 (score: 188)
Author: smlx at (Steve Lawrence)
Date: Tue Jul 29 22:21:22 2003
Mike and Jan are QRV from Fiji. Mike was on 1821 last night. As 3D2MO he worked four western USA Qs and four more from eastern VK. He went QRT at 1245Z. His plan is to try again tonight one more time
/archives//html/Topband/2003-07/msg00125.html (6,265 bytes)

3. Topband: CM6RCR (score: 188)
Author: smlx at (Steve Lawrence)
Date: Mon Jun 23 22:27:56 2003
Anyone have suggestions on getting a 160 card from CM6RCR.? I've used the address and again when it changed still without success after several months. My next try will be to see if WF5E can
/archives//html/Topband/2003-06/msg00043.html (6,260 bytes)

4. Topband: A/B Testing Limits - Good Stuff! (score: 188)
Author: smlx at (Steve Lawrence)
Date: Wed Jun 25 15:14:41 2003
As DXers and consumers of commercial radios, I believe that our demands have driven the state of the art for years, especially in receiver design. As in all commercial products, performance is always
/archives//html/Topband/2003-06/msg00088.html (8,620 bytes)

5. Topband: CM6RCR 160m QSLs - Summary (score: 188)
Author: smlx at (Steve Lawrence)
Date: Wed Jun 25 22:07:26 2003
Of all the responses, only one has received a card from Yanco in reply and that was in December 2001. Suggestions ranged from work another CO/CM to try mailing Via Portugal or Via Canada. The postal
/archives//html/Topband/2003-06/msg00096.html (6,646 bytes)

6. Topband: T21MY - No 160 (score: 188)
Author: smlx at (Steve Lawrence)
Date: Thu Jun 26 13:11:06 2003
All FYI: I worked T21MY on 80m around 0930Z. I asked him to go to 160. Mike said he wasn't going to be QRV on 160. He did go to 30m and then back to 80m. 73, Steve WB6RSE
/archives//html/Topband/2003-06/msg00104.html (6,399 bytes)

7. Topband: Antenna coupling (score: 188)
Author: smlx at (Steve Lawrence)
Date: Mon Jun 30 22:03:36 2003
I have an 160/80 coaxial loop at around 15 feet. It goes to a signal limiter in the shack and on to a pre-amp and the RX only input of my FT1000D. The loop is about 20 feet from my tower which I shun
/archives//html/Topband/2003-06/msg00128.html (7,126 bytes)

8. Topband: XQ6ET (score: 188)
Author: smlx at (Steve Lawrence)
Date: Mon Feb 24 06:16:03 2003
Bob, XQ6ET (Chile), asked me to pass this along: Listen for him every day at his sunrise at 1000Z on 1822. I worked him there a few days ago. He is currently using a dipole and just 100 watts but he'
/archives//html/Topband/2003-02/msg00080.html (6,414 bytes)

9. Topband: Relay suggestions (score: 188)
Author: smlx at (Steve Lawrence)
Date: Tue Jan 21 21:21:34 2003
I use an omega match made up of vacuum capacitors to shunt feed my tower on 80. I switch in additional capacity to retune to 160. The switch is a manual heavy duty RF rotary switch that has worked wi
/archives//html/Topband/2003-01/msg00181.html (6,467 bytes)

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