NCJ radial article: The NCJ article included far-field losses and that is what made the verticals seem rather inefficient with even a fine ground system. Previous articles and research have focused o
Rip, welcome to Topband. I ran an EZNEC model of your antenna. Sloping the top wire downward and the radials upward as you have reduces the effective vertical length thereby reducing the radiation re
Quarterwave & Halfwave verticals: Theory and simulation say that a halfwave vertical will work almost as well with a ground rod as with a good radial system. My tests at 20 meters between a halfwave
Dennis, I had been using less than top tier receivers on top band so I can't speak for the best of the Japanese or Ten Tec. I have used a Kenwood TS-570 with 200 Hz crystal filter, a Yaesu FT-857 wit
Sunrise and sunset enhancement applies to both ends of the RF link and not just at the 'listener.' I believe ON4UN chose used wording for that sentence. Dave WX7G ____________________________________
Plumbing PVC works and is self-extinguishing. Hobby stores stock smaller diameter plastic rod. I have built light weight open line using double stick foam tape with the wires sandwiched in between. D
A quarter wavelength shorted coaxial stub across the feed point provides a DC path to ground and greatly attenuates differential-mode lightning current. Dave WX7G ____________________________________
Picture 5 shows the generator connected to the coax inner conductors It should be connected to the coax shields. Dave WX7G _______________________________________________ ____________________________
Mark, You might have two issues: The MFJ-259 being overloaded and a broken tuner. a NEC models shows the 80 x 94 foot inverted-L having a feedpoint impedance of 43 +j277 over perfect ground (1.8 MHz)
Scott, let's compare the radiation resistance of the three antennas at 1.8 MHz. 55' x 82' Inverted-L is 16 ohms 100' x 36' Inverted-L with the 36' wire sloping downward at 45 deg is 28 ohms 100' base
Yes there are repercussions. Some stations will not work a domestic station in the DX Window. If everyone followed this rule no domestic station would operate in the DX Window. It takes two to tango.
It seems we have a collision of ethical philosphies. As most of us in the US are more familiar with poltical philosophy than basic ethical philosophy I'll define the view of HS0ZIA and Michael in tho
I'm right in the middle of the search for a receive antenna. I tried an MFJ-1025 noise canceler and it works quite well to null out the one dominant local noise source that comes on from time to time
Here is how to build a useful NEC-2 model of a ground mounted 160 meter vertical. Place a vertical with four radials 1' over real GND. Use 20 current segments for each of the five wires. Place the RF
Bare radials will work just fine. You plan to use 16 quarter wavelength radials. If you are using (only) 16 to save on wire or installation labor you might want to install 32 eigth wavelength radials
For short radials make them equal lengths and load using a single coil. _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
There is no need to transmit to test your antenna. Received signal strength will do. With skywave antenna measurements there can be significant measurement variability. Multiple measurements like so
Brian, you might want to call CQ around 1860 kHz. We will find you. Or call anyone. CW tends to run slower on top hand than on HF contests due to a lower signal-to-noise ratio. ______________________