I think there is a lot to be lost when you go down to a 100 ft radius, which is what DXE calls for when you want 160/80/40, from what it should be on 160. Many people do not have the real estate ei
Or filter out the FT8 spots from your spots and move on. Roger G3YRO _________________ I certainly agree with you there Roger. I think I would be safe in saying that at least 90% of the low end of th
*II. BANDS:* Six bands only: 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz. Observance of established band plans is strongly encouraged. It is not a rule. This has been a common practice in contests for years as p
FT/X is never going away. Just like Remotes and packet, contesting, SSTV, insert your most dislike part of the hobby. It is called change. Disparaging other people in our hobby is not helpful to th
Thanks Tree! W0MU On 11/19/2019 11:57 AM, Tree wrote: Sorry for putting the list on moderation some recently. The FT8 discussion was spiraling again - and that just isn't a subject we are going to so
I can't tell you the last time we had an extended outage here near Denver. I might never be able to use those batteries HI! W0MU On 11/19/2019 1:35 PM, WHYTE wrote: Always be ready for a local power
VE6WZ was there clear as day. No question, no ESP. Doug maybe you should get your hearing checked. I have crappy hearing and it was no problem. or maybe Doug was just trolling..................
Pretty obvious that Doug is stirring the pot. Time to create an ignore filter. Don't feed the trolls. W0MU "I can work all I can hear" Trolls live under the bridges, it hinders their ability to cop
or you could use a remote. W0MU On 12/15/2019 6:04 PM, thoyer via Topband wrote: With only 9 more to go for DXCC on 160 and all of the recent posts about how good the band has been recently "best in
Decoded at 2216z 3:16pm Local time here in Colorado. Crazy! W0MU _________________ Searchable Archives: http://www.contesting.com/_topband - Topband Reflector
If you have concerns about the DXCC program then detail your concerns with facts and contact the ARRL DXCC desk. They do take these complaints seriously. I received QSL cards from the same person
I left my radio decoding FT8 Sigs on Topband the other night and was checking pskreporter and was shocked to see a report for 9K in our early morning! I was not up and noticed it many hours later.
1.5 million hits for FT8? WOW! AIf the contest was designed well sub-channels could be recommended for the various continents as Stew Perry use to urge for intercontinental QSO's from 1825-1830. Here
Curious. If it is not Ham Radio then why is my K3 transmitting and receiving the signals? Hmmm. I guess RTTY is not ham radio either. 1.5 million hits for FT8? WOW! AIf the contest was designed wel
The FT8 DMC Digital Mode Club on Facebook has nearly 10,000 members. 1.5 million hits for FT8? WOW! AIf the contest was designed well sub-channels could be recommended for the various continents as
In the interest of keeping the peace here on this reflector a new group has been created for those interested in Topband Digital. N6TR the long time owner/moderator has given his blessing on the new
FT4 is not allocated on 160 for some reason. If the contest were to use Grids then supporting a new contest should be quite simple. W0MU out soon ? I forget what it was to be labeled as. T
I wonder what will happen when/if we get a good solar cycle again. People just want to use their gear. If a mode allows it great. Let them have fun. No reason to think less of them for getting o
Roger, If you are so confident that digital is going to fail, why not sit back and let it happen? I have never figured out why people in the hobby would actively seek to push people out of the hobby
Just proving my point Peter. You can't stop bashing people. You are what is wrong with the hobby. Good day. Achievements in the WW Digi Contest were so dramatically poor that the contest committee h