I am still waiting for a real case scenario where remote radio has harmed or damaged someone, somehow........ You are confusing ethical and moral. There is nothing unethical either. It is condoned by
When you guys really get tired of the internet radio can I have your stuff? I have a big garage. I will make good use of it since you won't be turning on your rigs anymore. Mike W0MU On 2/26/2015 6:1
Why are we centered on remote operations dirtying up the DXCC program? DXCC is far from clean now and from the limited amount of reading available people have been scamming DXCC long before I was lic
This is just another genie in a long list of genies that have been let out of the bottle. We will all live through it. Mike W0MU Wow...! What an interesting question I've posed re. my fictional "...w
Why does publishing the results change anything. Is there a prize for being Honor Roll number 1? How do you account for all the other dirty contacts on the DXCC rolls? Those are just ignored and only
What bad thing happened? A bunch of guys made contacts. Nothing bad happened. A sick station owner gets to build a station and have people operate it. In this case nothing bad happened. Why turn this
This being made is that anyone could improperly, illegally, whatever use their own call...Ie a USA call from an Italy remote to work some rare DX. It certainly can and it probably happens. Cheaters w
I think the ARRL does many good things for Amateur Radio. They are also involved in things that are good for them and not so much for us. Their latest call for comments is directly related to the RM1
I just recently hooked up my 8 ele rcv array and I was not too sure if it was working correctly. I will need to do some maintenance and checking when the snow is gone to make sure each element is wor
I have used one inverted L and the horses wiped it out a few years ago. I had about 70 ft of vertical and the rest horizontal. I am not sure how much interaction the tree will have if you run the wir
I was just re reading the DXE manual on the circle array and they discuss adding 15 ft radials of 10 to 15 feet or adding a couple of ground rods per antenna. The first thing I will do is see if I ca
I heard the 17m op today which I suspect was N6PSE say he was going to be so he could be ready for 160 tonight. He also said that conditions on Topband have been very bad there and he was hoping for
Much of the time it is a simple mistake. I did it to the E30 tonight and I am trying to be very careful. I changed bands and came back and the split was cancelled. I was that Lid. Usually a simple up
I agree with John, Receiving systems should be allowed only on the station property. I can understand the Stew Perry exemption but that opens up a can of worms. If you give an inch people will take a
I strongly disagree with W2GD on one thing though. DX Contesting is an East Coast Old Boys' Club, and while it makes them happy and boosts their egos, it is NOT good for contesting in general. There
We actually have three camps the two you describe below and the camp that will use all those things and then claim a class they are not really in. We all know that lots and lots of people use packet
We are are going to allow remote receivers, why not remote transmitters all over the world too...It if were legal. We might as well just get on any one of the messaging systems, Facebook, Apple, Hang
ARRL changed the rules to allow remotes within the country. I didn't. I don't even use remotes. The ARRL also allowed you to move around. These are completely different animals. Since you can move ar
What is competitive about DXCC? How can we have a competition when there is no start and finish? Are people passionate about DXCC and working new ones? Absolutely! I am a member of the Mile Hi DX Ass