I finally bite and responded... My .02 ... IMO and we all have one and they all don't agree.... and things start spiraling out of control .... FAST IT's one thing to state an Opinion but if the Opini
Jim, 80 was FB nothing covering up the VK0 from EPA.. pile up was the usual Keep Calling no mater what.... but his FREQ was OK Not a peep out of him on low band.... the split was a roar but No VK0 :(
Terry, I assume you only installed ONE sloper and made your measurements ? With all 4 installed there is way to much mutual coupling to get a meaningful reading. If your readings were from only ONE a
Terry. I never used one of those pneumatic air launchers.. following your link looks like a great option. In the past I have used a bow and arrow wit the bow having a Zebco spin cat real attached. Bu
John, I am not famillar with the 4.3-10 jacks so my response me not be on target. I only use RG 400 inside my shack or outside in WX proof boxed as inerr jumpers I use ones from on FleaBay from China
Watching this thread and agree the push up fiberglass tubes are satisfactory. But being a scronger And most two way RF based comunacation are a like Dodo birds I scored a broken RF wise Motorla Stati
My experience was not on top band BUT on a 80 meter 4 sq. initially I installed 4 gullwing elevated tuned radials for each of the 4 elements. The array played will but over time it became quit clear
David, After the sale of Top-Ten to DX Eng. The two owners were W2VJN and N3RD in the manual it gives pin out to the DB25 jacks should be easy to make BTDT The Icom radios are just a two wire Band Da
Steve, My frist thought is to clean the contacts ( there open frame relays) For changing the relays Direct replacement difficult . The Co that makes them produces them in limited runs for Amerirtron