I problem is the IARU region 1, 2 and 3 band plans do not line up. The region 1 160 band starts at 1.810Mhz so the IARU Region2 pansis useless for DX digital communications. All regions should align
Hi I would like to place monopoles for 160 and 80m bands 30m apart causing their ground radials to intersect. The radials are #20 bare copperweld (since I happen to have 4000m) that would be laid out
The simple fact is that digimodes, thanks especially to K1JT and his excellent software, are a game changer. DX is now workable on 6m via EME (I'm not suggesting topband via the moon, in case anyone
Just to underline Tom's comments, see the following paper http://www.sm2cew.com/Digital%20communications%20using%20minimal%20transfer.pdf Jan, That report is amazing and disturbing at the same time.
For the record, I have tried JT65 and other digital modes. I'm not opposed to them, but they are not for me. To each their own, of course, but I would rather watch paint dry than work digital modes.
I'm putting together a presentation which I think I'm going to call "Working 160M with limited antennas," or something like that. I've studied as much of the literature as I can find, including exten
I put up a short vertical dipole for 40M. It is 25' tall and has top and bottom X-shaped capacitive hats that are 42.5" square with a perimeter wire attached. The lower capacitive hat is about 6' abo
A ringo ranger is a vertical half wave using "end feed" and they work great. I prefer end feeding, using hte method of the ringo (which is easy to scale to other bands). I purchased the 10 meter vers
Tom, in addition to what I said in my first reply, there is one thing that did surprise me. As I mentioned, the mast is wood (not metal), so I would expect current to be flowing in the feedline. Whic
is a compromise. It's sad that some cannot see that forest for the trees. 73, Jim K9YC Comments like that are expected, but are totally out of place in technical discussions. No one said the antenna
FWIW, I have not heard or seen K2AV making unreasonable "claims" of performance. Neither have I, nor have I ever inferred he did. My point, which was addressed to Steve, was pretty basic stuff. I don
I wonder.....Is there is a simple way to compare the field strength of an FCP with my current NON dense and uniform ground system, and draw reasonably accurate conclusions about efficiency improvemen
I thought about this, and thought I better add more. I didn't mean to imply someone has to have a selective level indicating instrument to measure things. I was only pointing out what I typically do
I am going to need to run a coaxial cable from a receiving system about 900 ft away from the shack. My first thought was flooded RG6, Commscope F660BEF, which would appear to have about 4 db of loss
The FCC only suggests screens with voltage-fed antennas. The exact text is: (4) At the present development of the art, it is considered that where a vertical radiator is employed with its base on the
It's important to note that this data is for AM broadcast towers, which in the time frame when this work was done, were mostly a quarter wave tall to 5/8 wave tall. > We should look at the data and n
Here is a link to a download of the study by RCA (the "real" RCA). http://www.k6mhe.com/BLE.html _______________________________________________ UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
Original papers would be a rather valuable document :>). Or were you referring to an earlier paper copy of the document from the IEEE, now available on PDF from their online library. I believe the do
The principals were RCA employees. The commission was an attempt to encourage entrepreneurs to build more radio stations, and as the upper reaches of BC band were not really in play yet, tower expens
wave propagation. There is nothing that addresses higher angle sky wave propagation common for 160 M operation. If the radials are not radiating significantly compared to the antenna, what happens on