Some questions in my mind. How important is RF in the evolution of amateur radio? Would those who operate using FT8 be a lot less interested if it were just computers linking them with others without
I am playing with a NCC-2 trying to see if it can be of benefit in improving the S/N ratio. Currently I have a 600 foot Beverage toward Europe and a BOG also toward Europe and about 75 feet away. Ask
Doug, If you have the room, here is an alternative that I am using now at ZF9CW. I believe this would be better than a coil at the base. Make that vertical your 160m transmit antenna by adding two wi
Frank and all, I thought I would share a little real world experience I had today. I have a T, loaded vertical that is only something like 57 feet tall at the moment. The R should probably be in the
I am curious to know if anyone on here has scaled a Waller Flag to a smaller antenna and had any success with whatever might be available for preamps to bring the gain up enough to start to hear band
Thanks, Rick. I think you are fortunate to have a low noise level where you could actually use your TX Antenna. My situation is that if I tried to listen on my transmit antenna I would only work the
Thanks, JC. Based on what you said and what I know about the location, I think I probably have enough noise that I shouldn't have to worry about how much gain the preamp might have relative to the ne
When I was a newlywed in 1975 and lived in a downstairs apartment of a two story house, I put up a quarterwave wire that started at ground level, never got over 20 feet high, zig zagged around the ya
Frank, If too much trouble to make a proper splitter, a $2.00 TV splitter will work fine. The specs say they are good for 5-1000 MHz. but I've used them in years past on 160m and seriously doubt that
Put a garden hose put there and run it for several hours. Then find a strong 18-35 year old to drive the ground rod. Stan, K5GO _________________ Searchable Archives:
I have my tower on Cayman Brac Shunt fed for both 160 and 80 using separate coaxes, capacitors and shunt feed wires. Works great, except that I don't like the way it behaves. It appears to me that wh
How about VY0ERC? They are on the radio a lot. Probably not much else to do up there. _________________ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflector
I had a six element 20M Yagi on a 65 foot boom that was 200 feet away and 65 feet lower than my 40M Yagi. If the 40m Yagi was pointed to Europe it was pointed at 20M tower. I could turn the 20m Yagi
It isn't fancy but very easy to do what I did 20 years ago on the phasing lines for 80m 4 Square. I just cut pieces of 5/8" aluminum tubing about 2 inches long and used a band saw to make four slits
The Stew Perry Contest should be the standard for log processing. Also, unlike every other contest I have never seen anyone complain about the scoring not being fair. I have not worked the contest ev
Nick, Thanks for the QSO in the Stew Perry Contest. I am curious as to where you see the result you are reporting. I see that US1Q worked 10 QRP stations and you worked 7 QRP stations. I do not see a
Great choice for this award! Steves work has helped a lot of people. 73 Stan, ZF9CW/K5GO Sent from my iPhone _________________ Searchable Archives: - Topband Reflec
So sorry to hear this news. Bill was a very kind and humble person. I visited him at his house in about 1980 and still think about that visit on a regular basis. Stan, K5GO/ZF9CW _________________ Se