- 21. TopBand: ZL1AMO & Topband (?) (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK2ICV)
- Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 16:33:12 +1000
- Hee, he... Are you amongst the ones who bought him a linear amp so he could operate 160m? If so, you have right to REQUEST your money back! Nick -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/topband.html
- /archives//html/Topband/1998-06/msg00013.html (6,842 bytes)
- 22. TopBand: ops needed for vk9lx (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (Nick VK2ICV)
- Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 22:39:19 +1000
- I'm looking for another two contest operators willing to operate from VK9LX (NM7N, N0TT and XYL, VK2ICV) in CQWW CW - November 1998 . Please email direct asap for more details. No "stand-by" ops need
- /archives//html/Topband/1998-05/msg00000.html (6,564 bytes)
- 23. TopBand: "Who's Who.." UPDATE (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK2ICV)
- Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 22:28:37 +1000
- Dear Tobanders, I wish to thank all of you for sending your topband updates regularly. With your help we now have the most up to date listing on the internet. There are more than 60 pages on the net
- /archives//html/Topband/1998-04/msg00239.html (7,323 bytes)
- 24. TopBand: Lord Howe, VK9LX May 23-31, 1998 (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (nick)
- Date: Sat, 28 Feb 1998 22:35:05 +1100
- Dear Topbanders, I'm going back to Lord Howe Island in May 23rd-31st, 1998. My equipment is alrady on the island. On 160 I will have inverted L, vertical sction is abt 20m high. On rec. Beverage to U
- /archives//html/Topband/1998-02/msg00292.html (7,534 bytes)
- 25. TopBand: VK9LX Summary (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK9LX)
- Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 21:46:19 +1100
- Fellow Topbanders, Nick and I just arrived back in Sydney from our VK9LX operation. We are both very tired right now and will post more info later but for now: We made 500 QSO's on 160. And 13000+ QS
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-12/msg00012.html (9,417 bytes)
- 26. TopBand: Chicago Hams! Pse help VK9LX/K8RF! (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK9LX)
- Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 07:48:24 +1100
- Dear W9 Chicago area Hams! I am retuning home from our VK9LX operation and I have a layover the night of Dec 3rd and desperatly need someone to pick me up at the airport and put me up for the night a
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-12/msg00023.html (6,964 bytes)
- 27. TopBand: VK9LX /K8RF Coming home (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK9LX)
- Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 16:14:32 +1100
- Fellow topbanders/DXers: I am just packing up to return stateside in abt 2 hours. It was a lot of fun and my pleasure working everyone all over the world from VK9LX. 99.9% of all the operators acted
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-12/msg00051.html (8,129 bytes)
- 28. TopBand: VK9LX audio (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK9LX)
- Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 11:09:37 +1100
- Dear Topbanders, I have received an audio tape from Leif, SM5BFJ, which contains approx. 45 minutes of European QSO's with VK9LX on 160 as heard in Sweden on 27 November, 1997. ( thanks Leif.....mate
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-12/msg00300.html (6,657 bytes)
- 29. TopBand: Who's Who on the TopBand (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK9LX)
- Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 22:37:32 +1100
- Dear friends, just a short update on how "Who's Who on the TopBand" is progressing. Firstly thanks to all of you who have taken the time to send in your results and updates. So far this web page has
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-11/msg00200.html (7,823 bytes)
- 30. TopBand: warning msg (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK9LX)
- Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 20:54:49 +1100
- Nothing to worry about...just another hoax! find more about it on: http://www.sophos.com/virusinfo/scares/jointhecrew.html Nick, VK9LX To: <topband@contesting.com> -- FAQ on WWW: http://www.contestin
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-11/msg00228.html (7,788 bytes)
- 31. TopBand: VK9LX Lord Howe Is (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK9LX)
- Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 21:29:27 +1000
- Dear TopBanders, DXers and Contesters, No doubt you are already aware of the upcoming DXpedition to Lord Howe Island VK9LX ( Nov. 23rd - Dec. 1st / CQWW CW Contest) by K8RF and myself. Our aim is to
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-10/msg00084.html (8,425 bytes)
- 32. TopBand: Lord Howe...How? (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK9LX)
- Date: Thu, 09 Oct 1997 06:49:45 +1000
- Dear friends, thanks for your kind help! Yes, you can send your donation to Dan, K8RF as well. He is on VP5 untill next week. I will let you know his postal/ bank details soon. If you want to send do
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-10/msg00122.html (10,972 bytes)
- 33. TopBand: Lord Howe DXpedition (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK2ICV)
- Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 00:00:32 +1000
- Dear friends, I'm looking for someone who could join me on the Lord Howe Is. (VK9L) during CQWW C - CW part in November. Departure is planed for Nov.25th ex Sydney.Costs: $2500US per person incl. fli
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-09/msg00106.html (7,689 bytes)
- 34. TopBand: Lord Howe Is - VK9LX (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.auNOSPAM (VK2ICV)
- Date: Mon, 15 Sep 1997 22:47:48 +1000
- Lord Howe Island *CQ WW CW Contest* Nov 23rd - Dec 1st 1997 Update 15/9/1997 I received my permanent LH license today- the callsign is VK9LX. However, I'm still looking for someone to join me on this
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-09/msg00117.html (6,965 bytes)
- 35. TopBand: duobandser? (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK9LX)
- Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 21:49:09 +1000
- Help needed (again): · Would it be possible to modify AKI Special (as described in ON4UN's antenna book, page 9-49) in to an 80/160 duobander? · If not, what else could be done with the
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-09/msg00161.html (7,049 bytes)
- 36. TopBand: K7K (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK9LX)
- Date: Sat, 20 Sep 1997 12:55:57 +1000
- And on CW they will use the callsign "N" - no, it's not "November" it's - . which is short for K, which is short for K7K, which is short for KH7K.... :-) Yes, I'm jealous. I wish you guys all the be
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-09/msg00197.html (7,194 bytes)
- 37. TopBand: Who is Who on the Top Band (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK2ICV)
- Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 22:32:26 +1000
- Who?s Who on The Top Band (by VK2ICV): http://www.watch4you.com/160 77 stations listed since July, 28 Top Ten (World): /call/DXCC/Zone confirmed/ W4ZV 290 39 ON4UN 276 40 WB9Z 262 39 KM1H 262 38 K8MF
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-08/msg00103.html (7,096 bytes)
- 38. TopBand: Thank you! (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK2ICV)
- Date: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 22:31:19 +1000
- Dear fellow top-banders, I don't want to take up a lot of your time and I'm not asking for much but you would be doing me a great favour if you could send me a short e-mail with the following informa
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-07/msg00101.html (6,826 bytes)
- 39. TopBand: 5X1Z info (score: 1)
- Author: watchman@tig.com.au (VK2ICV)
- Date: Thu, 31 Jul 1997 00:47:22 +1000
- de VK2ICV just received this from Mats: ...I am about to put up a invL on 160 at my 5X1Z QTH when I return there in two weeks time... Mats, SM7PKK... Nicholas Who's Who on the TopBand- http://www.wat
- /archives//html/Topband/1997-07/msg00129.html (6,508 bytes)
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